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15 years later

It was time for the Monaco Grand Prix in 2037 and it was going to be the first time that Max and Lewis would appear together. It's not like they hadn't gone to any grand prix whatsoever since Lewis retired in 2026 with 9 World titles (he won three in his last three seasons) and Max retired in 2032 with 6 World titles. They had both gone to several grand prix individually and at the same time but had yet to disclose to the media that they were married. However, they weren't going by themselves either.

It was a couple of hours till the start of the race, just around the time when the drivers usually started to arrive at the paddock. Max and Lewis had arrived, holding hands, with one of the Mercedes drivers for that season Kimi Antonelli. As usual, there were several cameras there to capture them entering the paddock. Thankfully, it wasn't live and would not go out on social media for a while so everything could stay quiet for a little while longer.

"You know, I thought that this day would never come," Kimi remarked.

"Well we were gonna do it eventually but it was just a matter of when," Lewis replied.

"All I'm looking forward to is the reaction of the members of the TV team," Max said with a laugh.

"Come on let's go and you can get settled in the Mercedes hospitality unit," Kimi said.

Max and Lewis went into the Mercedes hospitality unit and decided to stay out of the eye of the media for a little while longer though they did go and catch up with some of their old grid mates. On that particular weekend, lots of the ex-drivers from when they were racing were at that particular race. So after they had all caught up it was time for the games to begin.


Jenson Button was part of the presenting team for the Monaco grand prix and he was not expecting very much to happen at that race. If he was being brutally honest for the past couple of years the race has become a bit of a bore because it had become practically impossible to pass other cars on track so unless there was a crash then the grid tended to finish the same way as it started. He was in the middle of a piece with David Croft and Karun Chandhok.

(I know that it is 15 years in the future and they will most likely not be presenting still but I don't want to make up new names).

They were in the middle of talking about the drivers and their chances in the upcoming races of the season then they switched to talking about all the ex-drivers that were at the race that weekend.

"I find it odd, how many ex-drivers are attending the race today," Karun said.

"I agree I mean there's Charles and Arthur Leclerc, Seb Vettel, Danny Ric," David listed, "As well as Lando, Alex Albon, Geor-

"Oh my days, look over there!"

At Jenson's exclamation, the other two presenters looked over at where he was pointing. Max and Lewis were coming out of the Red Bull garage of Isack Hadjar, with Lewis's arm around Max's waist and they were trying to keep three young kids in check.


The visit to the track was going great as far as Max was concerned, he was going around and talking to the young drivers that were on the grid with Lewis and getting lots of questions. Neither of them minded answering questions from young drivers, quite a few were about driving but to no surprise, most were about their relationships. They were both in the middle of a conversation with one of the drivers when one of their kids tugged on Lewis's sleeves.

"Dad," Sonny said urgently, "Dad."

"What's up, Sonny?" Lewis asked.

"Maya's wandered off and I'm not sure where she is."

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