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"Well, well, well."

Aphrodite drummed her fingers on her armrest. She still felt uncomfortable wearing the clothes Artemis dared her to, but as she said earlier, a dare is a dare.

"Zeus," she said after pointing at the thunder god, "Truth or dare?"

Zeus scratched his head. "Dare?" Is it safe to choose dare from a woman like her?

"Now...I um, want you to...wait...I can't find a dare. Can you suggest?"

The other gods looked at Aphrodite disappointingly. Poseidon was about to speak a suggestion, but Apollo stopped him.

"Nu-uh, you can't help," he said.

"What?" The sea god complained. "Who made that rule?"


"Aha!" Aphrodite suddenly beamed. Hephaestus imagined that there was a light bulb on top on her head. He had even thought of how everyone's brains would look like based on what the gods represent.

"I dare you to rap about the Hoover Dam in the Hoover Dam!"

"Huh?!" Zeus protested. "But I don't rap!"

Hera sighed. "Just do the dare, honey."

"Whoa, what?" The god exclaimed. "You called me honey!"

Hera was flabbergasted. "And?"

Seeing the irritated look on his wife's face, Zeus disappeared, off to the Hoover Dam.

Zeus remembered the Hoover Dam as part of Percy's third quest, also as Thalia's last before finally becoming one of Artemis' huntresses. He was where most of the tourists were, and he was going to be embarrassed. As he looked down, he noticed he still had the pinstripe suit, so he switched it into a gangsta suit when no one was looking. He was a bit insecure of his clothing. It doesn't suit a god like him! Besides, not all rappers are gangsta. But he simply allowed himself to wear that way.

I wonder what Aphrodite would think of the suit.

He tried to think of some verse for rap, but it only made him stay longer. So he took a deep breath and blurted out impromptu words.

Hoover Dam! Uh-huh, yeah!

Hoover Dam! Go on, now!

I'm in the Hoover Dam!

Trust me, it's as cool as I am!

And it's gonna make you happy

Like bread with jam!

And now I'll promote this with the rap

Even if it's something I'm not good at

The Hoover Dam! Uh-huh, yeah!

The Hoover Dam!

It's as awesome as I am.

As Zeus had predicted, everyone was looking at him with weird looks. But suddenly, someone started to applaud. After that applaud came one more, and one more, and two more, until everyone who saw him clapped, and more mortals came near to see the scene. Some even threw him a handful of bucks. It was true then; what he watched from some young adult movie: A revolution is caused by a single spark.

The king god remembered what Demeter had done as courtesy of Athena's dare. That horse dance gave her huge applauses from the graces, the muses, and all the other nymphs. But he felt better. He felt empowered. He was proud to have mortals admiring him in these days.

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