Face the Music

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"Hey there, baby."


Oh gods, thought Simon, It's Lady Hera. AND SHE'S FLIRTING WITH ME.

"Care to stay?" The goddess said with a wink. The satyr, now sweating on his hairy legs, took a deep breath and nodded. "Sure, Lady Hera, sure!"

Part of him didn't want it.

The deity girlishly giggled, and hugged the Satyr's arm. "Oh, you sweet little thing, you."

Simon tittered, and wondered if he should pray to Zeus to take the woman away or not. He was now shaking, and was wishing that the sweat in his legs would not reach Hera's gown.

"Pretty nice sunset, isn't it?" She asked. Simon cleared his throat and nodded. "Ah, yes. It's very wonderful."

"Are you single, honey pie?" Hera asked once more.


What was he going to say? If he would answer "yes", then she was going to stay there or follow him for gods-know-when. If "no", then the goddess would be sure to eliminate everyone who at least looked like some imaginary girlfriend he would make a lie of.

"W-well, I'm mentally dating the beautiful sunset!" Simon pretended to be giddy with the view and looked at the sun, hoping his sentence was an acceptable answer.

"Aw, you're such a cute thing!" Hera remarked. Her grip on him slowly loosened. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't stay long, so see you around, babe." She made a flirtatious goodbye wave, and disappeared in the flash of light. The satyr then heaved a huge sigh, and slumped himself on the ground. He was screwed.

Very screwed.

Loud laughs greeted Hera as she entered back to the throne room. The goddess scowled and shuddered at the same time, still remembering her disgusting act.

"I'm sorry if you got jealous, dad," Apollo came near Zeus' throne, making a pouty face, "it was a dare."

Artemis grunted. That was the very least she could do.

"Are you kidding me?" Zeus replied. "That was so freaking funny!"

Hera glared at her husband. "WHAT IN THE UNDERWORLD DO YOU MEAN, 'FUNNY'?!" And Hades was sure offended.

"The satyr was sweating on his... legs!" Zeus said, trying not to anger his wife more.

"What did you just say?" Hera started to panic, and then looked down at her dress. "Oh. No sweat, oh, thank goodness." And then she looked back at Zeus. "Sweetie, truth or dare?"

"Huh?" Her husband reacted. "Why me? And why are you calling me 'sweetie'?"

The other gods looked at him as if saying, "Why not?"

The lightning god felt disappointed and said, "Dare?" Maybe he could find some other girl like Trina or something.

"I dare you to replace your statue in cabin one with yourself and when someone enters, dance to the song, 'Anaconda'."

"No fair!" Zeus protested.

"Yes, fair." Said Hera nonchalantly.

"No fair."

"Whatever. Do it."

Apollo and Hermes snickered, thinking that Zeus wanted to initiate a repetitive argument to delay his doom. But their father had no choice but to do the dare.

What Zeus didn't want in the phase was he had to wait for how long until Jason gets home. He couldn't stand such embarrassment. Seconds later, he heard familiar voices chatting.

"...don't mind if I disturb your homey atmosphere?"

"No, no of course not."

"I might catch you chewing on a stapler."

"No you won't."

"So you still chew on staplers?"

"No I don't!"

The voices belonged to Thalia and Jason. Zeus was feeling more ashamed than ever because Thalia already saw him do something embarrassing. He made the statue disappear, and stood on its place. The Grace siblings then entered the cabin.

"I haven't slept here in a long time!" Thalia exclaimed.

"Well, welcome again," said Jason, "but it's sure awkward to sleep with a girl in a room."

"I'm your sister, Jason. Besides, the hunters didn't mind that much."

"Just one night?"

"Yeah, probably. It Depends."

Jason then looked up to where Zeus was. "Why does dad's statue look...odd?"

Thalia did the same thing as her brother did. "Oh yeah, he used to be gold."

The Graces looked at each other. Thalia still remembered when her father sung roar in her pine tree (which wasn't really hers), and it still scarred her bigtime. What if it was Jason's turn to be scarred? Or something? What if something weird was going to happen again? Weird things really confuse her.

To their surprise, they saw the "statue" move, and then there was Zeus, with a speaker by his foot. The god started to twerk horribly as soon as the speaker blared the first lines of the most horrible song ever.

My anaconda don't

My anaconda don't

My anaconda don't want none

Unless you've got buns, hun!

"Dad?!" The siblings exclaimed at the same time.

"Huh? Eh...I what?" Replied Zeus awkwardly.

"We saw nothing." Thalia declared, with her arms crossed. "No such violent twerking happened."

The god immediately disappeared, but Jason looked at her doubtfully. "Sis-"

But Thalia cut him off. "Nothing. Happened."

Jason simply bit his lip, thinking that maybe he should spare his story about Lady Hera for later.

"Aphrodite!" Zeus called at the beautiful goddess, "Truth or dare?"

There will be music, he thought to himself.

"Well, I choose dare!" Aphrodite declared.

"You know Katy Perry's Last Friday Night music video, right? I dare you to dress like her first look there and act all nerdy."

"But why?" Aphrodite complained. She didn't even like the look Artemis dared her. The nerd look is going to make her look worse. But shd has to do the dare, so she changer herself into that Katy Perry nerd look Zeus asked. Her teeth immediately hurt because of the braces, and the eyeglasses were too big for her.

"Wow, it's just like in the music video!" Poseidon commented.

"Hey, part two!" Hades called. "Act all nerdy!"


Aphrodite made a music player appear, the Last Friday Night song playing. She started to act all giddy, cleared her throat. "H-hi, I'm A-aphie. I-I I'm a nerdy, and I love books!"

Athena made an offended face. "No, Aphrodite, it's not like that."

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