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"Y/n huh?"

Jungkook smirked as soon as he recognised her.

Namjoon brows knitted together when he heard him utter her name.

"You know her?"

The younger smiled smugly at his P.A's question.

"Very well."

Y/n cursed underneath her breath as she hope someone to run a bus over her. She doesn't wanna face him.

Not like this atleast.

Meeting the Jeon Jungkook was never in her to do list. A heir of chaebol family like him and a mere financially struggling college student like her are never a match to even be in a zone of friendship.

And on top of it she kicked him! She beat him worse than she did to cockroaches.

She wanted to die right now but that's not possible so she decided to do what's best for her.


She turned 180° and made a run for her remaining prestige.



No fuck no!

"Your identity card!"

Her legs stopped immidiately. She checked her identity card to find it nowhere. She turned frantically to witness his playing with her card.

She bite her lips cursing her luck.

He smiled watching her tensed face. He signalled her to come closer to him to which she obeyed half heartedly.

She timidly stood infront of him fidgeting her fingers continuously while looking down at her shoes. She didn't even dare to look into his eyes after what she had done to him.

"Woah was expecting love at first sight with you but got kicked at first sight."

He joked and crouching a bit leveling her to her height. He came closer to her ,eyes fixed on her flustered face.

She was taken a back by his cute gesture and accidentally locked her gaze with his.


He chuckled internally.

"Right y/n?"

"W-who y/n?" She murmured looking everywhere but him.

"I-I'm not y/n....I'm..I'm.."

Jungkook put forward college's identity card and smirked.

"Hana Montana then?" Jungkook question as she shut her eyes out of embarrassment.

Jungkook couldn't help but grin at her adorable expression.

"How do you know her sir?" Namjoon nugged Jungkook.

"Long story." He utters gesturing him to wait for him in the car.

Namjoon didn't want to leave his side in this condition that also with the same girl who beat his as but he knows him well. Jungkook is a stubborn man. If he tells you to do something you do it. No question no argument.

He sighed leaving them alone.

Now it's only y/n and Jungkook on the middle of the road. The female was trying her best to not look into his eyes and Jungkook noticed it.

"So we finally met."

Jungkook said and made her wear the identity card.

Y/n looked up to see his bruised forehead and dirt all over his dress. His one hand was tightly clutching onto his other sprained arm. He was seemingly in pain but is smiling like a fool infront of her.

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