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I refuse to believe
that you're the same
person I met months
ago who was sassy,
didn't used to give a
fuck about anyone,
was crazy and savage,
who used to send me
weird ass memes in
response to my dumb
fucking shits, who was
used to my clingy ass
nature, who was the only
one who can put me on
my place......

you are not the same person...

Then maybe you're
right. I hope you'll find
someone who will have
all these qualities you
mentioned above.....

Good luck

[You blocked this number]

Y/n's POV...

I tossed my phone aside and blankly started outside the window as a lone tear escaped my eyes. My heart suddenly felt like someone set it on fire and I couldn't do anything to release myself from that pain. I know whatever I did, I did it for my own good. Rich people often play with hearts of people like us and then throw away from their life like a used tissue paper.

I know it's difficult but I don't want to be that tissue paper.

Jungkook.....I don't know when I started to like talking to him. Like he became my drug. I feel happy when I talk to him and sad when I don't get a any message from him.

Tbh it wasn't in my control. Nobody took interest in me not anyone tried to pamper me...I was never anyone's first priority and I accepted that. But when I started to talk to Jungkook I felt someone was really there who values me or is really interested in talking to me.

When I first came to know about him being the son of Korea's biggest business tycoon I couldn't believe myself. I felt proud that all this time I was talking with the Jeon Jungkook but I wasn't dumb to not acknowledge the fact that he and I will never be on a same boat.

If I continue talking to him I surely will be used by him like other girls. He is too powerful, with a click of his fingers he can destroy my life.

It's better I should stay away from this mess and concentrate on my studies.

I opened my book and stared at the highlighted lines. I tried to study in order to divert my attention my I couldn't stop but thinking about him.

Damm why is he affecting me so much I don't even love him.

I hope he doesn't get mad...


He repeatedly kicked and hit the punching bag with all his strength as anger rushed through his veins.

His eyes became blood red as he continued smashing the bag.

All he did was being nice and all he got in return is a block?

Atleast she could have tried to mitigate the misunderstanding between them or let him give his opinion on it.

She didn't even considered Jungkook's feelings.

Blocking is not always the solution to escape from situation. You have to fight too and who knows the end results can the best decision of your life.

Well she's a coward but I'm not — he thought.

Giving up on her?

Forgetting her?

Stop annoying her?

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