Chapter 3

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Katherine stood in the wings, watching the stage crew put the final touches in place for the opening act. Her mask was in place, her dress was a peach organza affair that floated around her like a cloud, and her thick ebony hair was scooped into a high and tight ponytail making her cheekbones look dramatic.

Because her co-host, Mason Stevens, was so tall, Katherine could wear her heels and not tower over him, making her more like Katherine, the model, and less like Katherine, the television host. There was a distinctive difference. One had to deal with large in-person audiences, and the other didn't.

"Hello, Katie," Alistair whispered in her ear, appearing from nowhere and without warning.

He was simply standing behind her, not touching her or even looking at her as he, too, watched the action on the stage. From afar, they would look like mere acquaintances.

"Hello, Al," she greeted back. He knew she hated the nickname Katie, and she knew he hated Al.

"I heard a rumor that you would be here this evening." Alistair smiled at one of the cute female stagehands who waved at him. "Should I tell her I'll be going home with you this evening and not to waste her time?"

"You're sure of yourself, aren't you?" Katherine couldn't suppress a smile.

"I'm sure of us, Katherine." Katherine could hear the smile in his voice. "You look delightful and smell divine." He inhaled deeply.

"I wish I could say the same, but since you snuck up on me, it's hard to tell." Katherine's heart rate sped up at the compliment given to her in his posh English accent. She loved his accent.

"I want to kiss you, Katherine," he whispered, his breath brushing her ear and making her whole body break out in goose pimples.

At that precise moment, as if the gods were on his side, the cute stagehand brushed against him and pushed him into Katherine as he did his best to avoid direct contact with the stagehand. He knew how the game was played nowadays, and an accidental brush today would be a sexual assault next week, especially when you were a wealthy earl.

He knocked Katherine harder than she expected, and it caused her to lose her balance, but his hand was there on her waist, holding her steady as he pulled her against him while the girl apologized and then scurried off into the shadows.

"No harm done," Alistair said as he held onto Katherine, letting his hand wander to her hip.

"No, no harm done," Katherine agreed, as she brushed at her skirt while peaking up at him.

His raven black hair was long and curled around his head, he was clean-shaven, and his blue eyes were as shocking as ever.

Why did he always have to make her so weak-kneed?

"So, tonight? Same place, same time?" he asked in a low, urgent voice as he stepped away from her.

Katherine nodded, knowing she didn't have the strength to say no.

"There you two kids are!" Mason said as he threw his arms over both of their shoulders. "Planning the wedding yet?" he asked with a grin.

"Katie turns me down every time," Alistair said in a bored voice.

"Perhaps it's because you call me Katie, Al?" Katherine said in an equally bored voice.

They stared daggers at each other, which was part show and part sexual tension. It was how they always behaved around each other. The first time Katherine had seen Alistair in public around his family after their affair had started, she had been taken aback by his abrupt, almost rude behavior, but then she realized that it was a defense mechanism to shield her and himself from his prying family.

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