Chapter 13

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Katherine's attempt to deal with the news that her entire life was a lie was slow going. It was all disturbing and upsetting, but Alistair's comment that her mother may have played them all kept her up at night. 

Had she? Katherine didn't doubt that her mother loved her and her sisters, but had she played them all. If she had, why? Had it been to get even with George, or was she so alone and cut off that she felt she had no one to talk to about it all?

Katherine had tried to call her sisters several times in the past few months, but the only response she got was that their phone numbers were out of service. She wasn't sure where they were staying, so she couldn't see them in person, and they had no idea where she lived.

It had worried Katherine so much that she had called Bryce to see if he had a way to contact them, but all his office had on record was the same information Katherine had.

She eventually did have her meeting with Laura, but this time they opted for an office so that it would be productive.

There had been no word from Alistair, and Laura had mentioned that he was in London for business and wasn't sure when he would be back.

The date for Trisha's fundraiser had arrived, and Katherine wasn't particularly interested in attending. She wouldn't have if it weren't for the possibility that she would see her sisters there. As far as she knew, Trisha was still seeing George because their photos had been all over the society pages in the paper.

Laura had signed a new up-and-coming model named Armand onto her books. He was tall, dark, and handsome, with light brown eyes and a strong jaw, and he liked to look at himself a lot. Katherine wasn't impressed, but she had agreed to take him to the event so he could get some face time with the press.

The party was being held at a massive estate in Virginia, and plenty of people were already there by the time Katherine and Armand arrived. They had flown in that morning and were staying the night at a local hotel.

Armand had wide eyes as they walked through the house full of famous people. It was a fairly common occurrence for Katherine, so she hardly noticed as she kept a lookout for Alistair and her sisters. 

She found her sisters first, and they were standing alone in the corner of the garden, watching people with the same awed look that Armand had. Katherine introduced him to the girls, and he was immediately smitten with Jessie.

"Can I speak with you a minute, Jessie?" Katherine asked.

Jessie smiled at Armand as she stepped to the side with her sister.

"I can't call any of you. Your numbers aren't working. What's going on?" Katherine asked, her eyes scanning the crowd.

"Dad changed our numbers without us knowing," Jessie said, crossing her arms. "I can't call any friends because I lost their numbers. It's the same for Jillian and Jackie.

It sounded like he was trying to isolate them, which was a worrying sign.

Katherine pulled out her phone. "What's your new number?" Jessie told her, and she entered it into her phone quickly. "I won't contact you unless it is an emergency." George saw them taking and was headed in their direction. "If you need me, you can always reach me through Bryce. You remember the location of his office?"

Jessie nodded. "I have a lot of questions."

"So do I. Maybe we can figure out the answers together." Katherine gave her a wobbly smile.

"Girls, come with me, the rodeo is about to start, and we don't want to miss any of the action," George said as he grabbed Jessie by the arm and pulled her away from Katherine.

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