Chapter 1

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"Soon the time for my revenge will come. The blood of the wicked will flow through the streets, and the supernatural will fear the Righteous and Holy. My only regret is that you must be a part of this plot as well. But you are not fully innocent either as you have chosen to align yourself with a monster. You have chosen to ignore the vile and evil being hiding behind an angelic face. Moreover, you have chosen to lay with a spawn of Hell itself. So you must face the consequences for both his actions and your own. Soon. Soon the timing will be right and your punishment will commence."

The letter fell out of the stack of mail that Harper brought in a few minutes ago. The envelope lacked a stamp of address, but her name was scrawled across the front in vermillion ink. Normally she'd laugh this off as a bad joke, but after receiving these kinds of messages for over two weeks straight, Harper would admit that she was feeling a little uneasy.

It started two Fridays ago after work. Her team scheduled an impromptu afterschool to discuss the Winter Formal. Since it celebrates the end of the first semester, students deck themselves out in their finest clothing: three piece suits, ball gowns, tiaras. Harper swears the kids think they are going to the Met Gala when they pick out their attire for the night. So naturally the decoration committee waited until three weeks before the event to start planning.

What was supposed to be a 30 minute meeting turned into an hour and a half, so the parking lot was nearly empty by the time she got out there. The sun set about 20 minutes prior, so the area was draped in a purplish haze, giving a sense of eeriness to the entire scene.

As she approached her car, Harper froze at the sight of a piece of paper tucked into the space between her door handle and the side of the car.

"I feel like I should have Tik Tok open on my phone and have a live stream going just in case someone wants to kidnap me," she muttered as she neared the car. She glanced around and confirmed that everything looked normal before snatching the paper off the car door.

It was thin, only one sheet, and tightly rolled. A heavy weight filled her stomach as Harper unrolled the note and started reading the text.

"Murderous monsters may have invaded our town. But what do they want? Our lives? Our souls? Our children? I refuse to let them achieve their wicked goals. The monsters and those that support them will perish. If not by my hand then by the hand of my brethren."

A chill ran down Harper's spine as she took in the words. She wanted to believe that this letter was just the rambling of someone not all there or someone pulling a prank. But part of her knows that the word "monsters" could easily be replaced with the word "demon". And unless everyone in the parking lot received a letter, what are the odds that she, the girl with a demon boyfriend, would also be the one whose car gets tagged with a letter promising death to demons and their support network. Hard to believe it is a coincidence.

The text message she got a few days later that claimed "The wicked and those who lay with them will succumb to my wraith" confirmed that the writer intended for her to find the letter. Which means that they were aware of not only the supernatural world running alongside the ordinary world, but this creep also knew about her relationship with Aeron. Granted, over the past year the two started going out in public more often and told some of their friends and family about their relationship, but the demon still tried to keep Harper a secret from most of those in the supernatural community. Many still saw relationships between the supernatural and ordinary humans as an abomination and expressed their disapproval in a violent way. So they agreed to keep it a secret in order to give Harper another layer of safety.

But each new text, email, and letter tore away at the net little by little until today's letter set the entire net on fire. Because now the stalker showed that they knew where she lived.

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