Chapter 11

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"Oh great," Misha scoffs. "Another demon."

"Hi Alistar. Good to see you again."

"Likewise, Lady Bishop."

"You've got to be kidding me. Seriously?" Misha turns towards Harper, scowling. However, the crossed arms makes it look more like he is pouting. "Minstrel, we don't greet demons like they are friends. You really shouldn't be talking to them at all."

Harper is annoyed. No angry. Both, actually. She came here for a romantic date and instead ended up in a stupid rom-com plot where the new guy fights the old. Except this time instead of just being jealous and upset that he was replaced, the ex is prejudiced against the current boyfriend and is the reason that her date was ruined. And that she lost her apple cider.

"Yeah, well he's Aeron's brother so he's not a friend but family," she says with a slight glare at the dragon. "And unlike your family, he's not planning on tormenting me for dating him." She tries to ignore the hurt reflected on Misha's face by turning to the newcomer. "You're not, right?"

"Not at the moment, Lady Bishop."

"Umm not going to lie, that is not as reassuring as it should be."

"My apologies, my lady."

"Alistar," Aeron interrupts, irritation bleeding into his voice. "It is a bit curious to see you in the mortal realm. You tend to avoid it unless absolutely necessary. May I inquire as to why you are here?"

Alistar turns to his brother and offers a deep bow, his long hair creating a curtain that hides his expression. "Forgive the interruption, Aeronzile. I know that your desire for rest has been increasing lately. However," Alistar straightens and locks eyes with his brother. "You are needed back in Hell."

"You assured me that I would have a few mortal days to spend with Harper."

"At the time that was true. However, circumstances have changed."

"Changed, you say," Aeron says coldly, his eyes narrowed in irritation. His hand begins flexing, and part of Harper wonders if a hot drink to the face would be enough to break up a fight between two demons. "And what, pray tell, is so important that I must be there instead of you who is currently occupying the position of head of state."

"The reapers are 'on strike'. Apparently the number of deaths has grown more than we were aware, and yet the creation of reapers has not increased to match the larger numbers. Therefore, they are refusing to work until either their work load is decreased or their benefits are improved."

"And the reason that you are unable to see to this task?"

"Since you were the one to create the original agreement with them, the refuse to negotiate with anyone but you."

Wow. Who would have thought that Hell would be plagued with labor issues like every other business?

As the two brothers bicker, Harper moves over to Misha to check on him. Angry bruises have already started to bloom on his neck, causing her stomach to sink. Reaching up, she brushes her fingers gently against them, wincing when he let out a low hiss.

"I'm sorry," she whispers as she draws her hand back. "I might be annoyed at you, but I never wanted you to get hurt."

"Hey." His hand shoots up and catches her and draws it back towards him. He places a light kiss on the tips of her fingers before bringing their joined hands back down to rest at their sides. "You have nothing to apologize for. None of this is your fault. I've some issues that I need to work through."

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