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Aidan's POV

The private jet lands in New York at exactly 8:10 pm. I remove my seat belt and move out of the jet. I walk briskly to the Limousine waiting for me. I am really exhausted after a long day in Chicago. I have been gone for three days.

I went there for a business meeting and the launching of my new hotels in Chicago. I was supposed to arrive in New York earlier this morning but I had to stay back to close the deals I have in Chicago. I got the deal and after signing the contract, the jet took off from Chicago at exactly 5 pm.

The driver comes out and takes the suitcase from me. He opens the door for me and I hop in. He drops the suitcase beside him as he gets in. We drive off.

All I want to do now is to take a hot bath, eat and go to bed. I have an appointment with Alexander tomorrow morning by 10 am, so I need to be up early to prepare the contract before his arrival. 

I am also hoping to talk to him about the award, to see if he can help in any way. Anytime I think of what Damien is capable of doing, it scares me to know I might lose the award.

Father hasn't called me since the other day and it is unexpected. I wonder why he isn't blowing my phone off with his calls, to persuade me to agree to his stupid plan.

I breathe out air and close my eyes. I feel myself dozing off when the Limousine stops right in front of my apartment. The driver moves out and opens the door for me. I get out and take the suitcase from him.

"Thank you, Hunter", I say politely to the middle-aged man. 

He is my driver but I like driving myself to work most of the time. I always require his service whenever I am going on a trip. I like him because he is honest and loyal.

As I begin to take long strides towards the house, I notice there is a strange car parked close to the house. Before I can make a statement about it to Hunter who is already getting into the car, I see someone coming from inside.

"Mother?" I say as someone wheels her out. She is sitting in her wheelchair, looking tired. I can now see the face of the person behind her. It is one of her maids, Lucy.

"Where have you been, Aidan? I have been here for several hours waiting for you because you refuse to pick up your calls." She does not look happy.

I squat and touch her lap. "I'm sorry, mom. I just got in from Chicago. Is everything ok?"

She isn't smiling and I wonder what is wrong. "I came to see you." 

I stand upright and move to the door. I slid in the keys and open it wide for Lucy to wheel her in. 

I am leaning on the door frame, watching Lucy help her in. When they are in, I get in and close the door behind me.

I take the wheelchair from Lucy and push mother close to my favorite sofa. I sit in and place my hand on her lap, waiting for her to tell me what is the matter.

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