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Evelyn's POV

"Mom, I want to know who the hell my father is and where he is at the moment", Anna's unexpected question startles me the moment I enter the house.

I haven't gotten over the kiss that happened between me and my boss and here I am receiving Anna at the most ungodly time of the day.

What the hell is she doing here? I ask within me.

This is definitely not the right time to talk about her riff-raff of a father. I am not in the mood to do any talking at the moment. Now that I will no longer work with Mr. Adams, I want to restrategize my life and find my bearings.

Anna is sitting on the couch, with her protruding belly and an angry look on her face. She has a key to the house but I am surprised she is here by this time, it's almost 11 pm. 

I walk in and sit on the next couch in exhaustion. I wasn't really tired from working but the thought of not going there anymore and what happened has weakened my system. I just want to take a shower and go to bed.

"Mom?" She calls me.

"Anna, what are you doing here by this time?" I ask her instead. 

"What I am doing here is irrelevant. What is important is knowing who the hell my father is", she grits her teeth in anger. I have no idea what is making her do this and why she is this angry but I won't let her transfer the aggression on me. I have my problems too and her father caused all of this, for us with his irresponsibility.

"Go home to your husband", I stand up to go to my room. I am sure she did not come here on her own. She has an assigned driver that takes her everywhere she intends to go. Even though I am not interested in starting a conversation about her father, I am curious to know why she is doing this now.

"I am not going anywhere until you answer my question", she says with a raised voice.

I turn back to face her squarely. "What the hell is your problem?"

"You, mother", she answers and my eyes widen. "You are my problem. I have given you enough time to talk to me about him and I know you won't tell me if I don't ask you anymore. I want to know who he is now."

"Why are you doing this then, by this time?"

"Because this is when I need my answers."

"Why do you need them now?" I question her again. She looks away without uttering a word. I try to read her expression and I realize I haven't been a good mother to Anna. 

I was bent on achieving our dreams and letting us out of her poor financial status but here we are with enough finances to last us years without being happy. I was having doubts about my daughter's unhappiness but now I know she isn't happy being with Aidan. 

I thought having wealth means having it all and having it all includes happiness but I am wrong.

I am not happy. I am only satisfied that things are going the way I want them. But I am not genuinely happy and I have no idea why. I don't know if my unhappiness is coming from the fact that my daughter isn't happy too. I don't know.

I move close to her and touch her arm. She refuse to look at me but when she eventually did, it is with a defiant look on her face. I almost smile. She got her anger from me. I get angry easily and it makes me take rash decisions.

"Baby", I rub my hands on her body, pulling her to myself in an embrace. She didn't want to hug me but I succeed in pulling her to me. I rub her back to calm her nerves and when I am sure she is a bit calm, I pull away and peck her forehead. 

I don't want to have regrets now that I realize money doesn't bring happiness. If I want to admit that I have regrets, there will be many, starting from the day I met Anna's father. But I don't want to point that out as one of my regrets and I don't want to point out anything happening in my life currently as a regret. 

Meeting Anna's father brought me a good, beautiful baby like Anna. I can't regret having her. I love her. She is my child and only fruit. I love her and it is high time I made her happy. She deserves to be happy. 

My plan isn't giving her the peace and joy I planned for her, it is only bringing achievements that have to do with money. Anna needs to be happy and I deserve to be happy too. 

What then does being happy require if it isn't money? Is it love? Or what?

"Anna, you should head home because it's late. We can talk about this tomorrow since I won't be going to work", she is still watching me, patiently waiting for an answer as she requested.

"I have always thought my father was dead and I have always wished he was here to see me excel in school. How do you expect me to feel when I get to know that the man I have always wished to see again is not dead but alive somewhere in the world? You said you were going to tell me someday and I have been patiently waiting for the day to come. Now, I want to know what happened and why my father left without looking back to search for me or come back for me. I want to know why he left?"

I can see tears welling up in her eyes and I know something must have happened to trigger what is coming from Anna tonight. I don't have the intention of telling her who her father is but now I have no choice. 

I have always wanted to keep it a secret till the end, but my anger ruined everything and now I have to face the music of my past. 

The past I have tried so much to let go of but keeps haunting me. The past of sweet and ugly memories. The past of my sweet memories overshadowed my ugly past and then all of sudden, the sweet memories faded away, giving the ugly past a chance to excel again in my life. 

The disappearance of my sweet memories is making my ugly past overwhelming, giving it a chance for me to remember again how it once hurt and finding it difficult to heal. My ugly past was painful but the disappearance of my sweet past was worse. It left me broken. But nature was at work. I couldn't hold on to him because it was time to go. Death took him away.

"Mom?" She taps me and I feel a tear roll down my eyes.

I decided to just tell her already. I decide to let it all out of my chest. I decide it is time to share my burden with my daughter now. 

There is nothing more to hide. The hurt is still there, it makes no difference.

"You have two fathers", I spill and she gasps.



Two fathers? How is that possible?

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