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Tessa's POV

My replacement is a beauty to behold. But she is nowhere as beautiful as I am, I know this. I can see the way she was staring at me with admiration when I first appeared in front of her before she replaced the admiration with a nonchalant attitude.

She is nowhere as sophisticated as I am and that relieved me a bit. I thought Aidan will go for someone better than me in all ramifications, someone more sophisticated and classic but here she is, nobody.

I can see how she is finding it difficult to ignore me like I don't exist, I can see how she is trying to sip her wine like the elite that she isn't, I can see how difficult she is trying to play along and I am glad that my presence is making her uncomfortable.

It is quite obvious that she knows who I am already and what I am to Aidan. Whether Aidan gets married to her will not change anything between us. Aidan will still be mine. I am sure he is getting married to her for a reason. I am trying hard to let go of the fact that all my plans with Trevor and the efforts as well as the sacrifices are all in vain. But I just don't get why Aidan will do this to me after making me feel all is becoming rosy between us.

What exactly have I done to deserve this humiliation?

"You must be Anna, right?" I flash her a sweet smile.

She drops the glass cup and returns the smile. "Yes, I am. May I know who you are?"

I scoff. "Stop pretending like you don't know me."

"I don't", she shrugs. "I can see you are just arriving and no one has introduced us to each other yet."

"Are you curious to know who I am then?" I am enjoying the little drama she is trying to play with me. She is a smart girl indeed but I want to show her I am smarter than she is. I am going to be careful with my words so I can get her weakness.

"It depends on whether you want me to know you or not '', she chuckles lightly. "I don't interfere in matters that don't concern me, so I see no reason why I should ask you who you are if you aren't interested in letting me know."

"Really?" I am impressed, as well as curious to know what Aidan must have told her about me.

"You seem like a nice person, I won't mind......"

"Anna?" I cut her short. I can no longer contain my anger and the stupid pretense. 

I want her to know I am her rival and enemy and I am not here for jokes. I am here to warn her to stay out of my way.

"How did you know my name if I may ask?" The look of amusement is still on her face and it is pissing me off. I feel she is enjoying this more than me. I am no longer enjoying it.

"You are a nobody so nobody knows you. But now that you are getting married to the youngest billionaire in New York, you will be a recognized figure and I am sure you are doing this for a reason, probably because of Aidan's money." I smirk.

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