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Aidan's POV

I had a long day at work today. My work has increased ten folds now that I have new clients, new ideas that I want to work on before the year runs out. 

Ever since the award night, I have always signed a new deal almost every week. I now have a personal assistant because of the workload. My personal assistant and the secretary now help me in reducing the loads of work I have to work on every week before the arrival of new ones.

I know I need a vacation but I can't go on one now. I have a lot to cover before then. I am also planning on launching my new innovative skill next week in Los Angeles. I have employed new workers for innovative ideas and they are really helping. I am also partnering with Madeline's steel manufacturing Industry and I have established a car company in Boston.

I release my tie the moment I get out of the car. I heave a sigh of relief for being home after a long day. I am a bit early today unlike the other days of the week. I have been getting home very late for the past three days now but today I am at home at exactly 10 pm. 

I now work on Sundays too because I don't like staying at home with my wife... Anna. I mean I don't like the idea of staying home alone with her. We avoid each other like plague and the silence that engulfs our home anytime we are around each other is disturbing and makes me uncomfortable. 

I could go days without talking to my roommates when I was in high school and even after high school but now, with a wife who is carrying my child, it feels absurd.

I stroll into the house and yawn. All I want to do now is to take a hot bath and go to bed, tomorrow is another day to start work from where I stopped. Because of work, I barely have time for going out and having sex with girls that Richard gets for me, except once in a while. Sometimes, I bring them home while other times, we spend the night in my villa.

"Hey, welcome home", I hear Anna's voice. I turn to where she is sitting with her protruding belly. 

I didn't know she was there. She is barely awake each time I arrive home. It is either she is already asleep or she is inside her room, preparing to sleep. I am surprised she is welcoming me. She stands up and walks close to me with a smile.

"Good day", I greet her and walk towards my room. I am hoping she won't follow me and I am glad when I can't hear any footsteps behind me. 

What is wrong with her? What is with this strange behavior tonight? Does she want something? 

She has enough money in her account and I doubt if she wants something from me. I know women tend to be nicer when they want or need something from you.

"Aidan?" She calls me as I get to my room door. I thought she had gone to her room already. I am not in the mood for any chit chat tonight or any argument. 

Why is she following me? I ignore her and enter but before I can close the door, she stops me with her leg sticking to the door.

"Courtesy demands that you answer my greetings, Aidan. What is wrong with you? How long are we going to keep ignoring each other?" She raises her voice.

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