... 120 days without him... dreams come true...

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-I'm gonna leave but I'll come back. I just don't know when. - He whispered after some time. - I don't wanna hurt you, I never wanna see fear in your eyes because of me...

-No.- I just said.

-Yeah. - He said and I felt his breath behind me.- I'm trying so hard to control myself now. It's hard to be like us. Like me.

We ended up kissing like it was our last night on this earth. I just didn't know that this would be our last time together... for a very long time


     Today I graduate, finally. The last day in that hell hole that is called school. I haven't seen him or his family since that night. Except his lovely sister who visited almost every day after I moved into his house. I survived two weeks without him, without knowing anything about him. The first days were terrible, I had to get back to school, and I had to study for my exams. My friends didn't help with my growing depression. They wanted to go out and have some fun and I just needed him. His touches, his kisses, and his love in general. That quiet was killing me and I had no answers to my questions. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into a month. While my ex-classmates were waiting for answers from their college applications I was waiting for him to come back. He said he would and I would wait forever if I had to. I was accepted into one of my dream colleges but I wasn't sure what I wanted anymore.  I wasn't ready for the new school year, like always. I wasn't planning on studying but his sister made me, saying I shouldn't throw my future away.  I could skip a year or two, I had more money than I could spend in my lifetime and he made sure I didn't need to pay any bills for like 50 years or more. 

-Come on, you gonna be late.- She yelled.

-I'm coming, we have enough time.- I said and looked at her. -Why are you even here?

-Because you wouldn't go if I didn't drag you out.-She said.

-I don't wanna. - I answered.

-He will come back. - She said. - Just be patient.

-I'm tired of waiting. I'm done. Where the hell he is, why he can't just text me? It would be enough. Just to know that he is okay or at least alive.

-He doesn't contact anyone, we only got one text.- She said.- He will come back when he is ready. It never was longer than three ears.- She smiled.

-Three years? It's been less than four months and I'm losing my mind in here.- I said. - My mental stability will be long gone after three years.

     I survived all the official parts, I met new people, and my classmates looked kinda interesting people but I wasn't interested in their talks, problems, or their plans for the night. They already wanted to party, to drink and I just wanted to go back home and go to bed.  

-This girl already has a house and people working for her. - One of my classmates said.-That's awesome.

-It's not mine, it's my boyfriend's house.- I said. 

-Cool. Invite him here, we wanna meet him, maybe we can talk him into letting to have a party in your place. I know that neighborhood, those houses are insane.- She said while smiling. 

-No. I have better things to do than drinking and partying. I'm gonna see you tomorrow. - I said and left them. I don't have anything in common with these people.

I already hated this day so to make it even worse I had to get home by myself because Mia was out somewhere. My overreacting was getting too far and seeing a black car with tinted windows parked strangely was too much. When I finally managed to catch a ride home I imagined being followed. Any passing car would give me a bad vibe and I was simply losing. I just needed my home walls, I felt safe there. And of course, that stupid driver stopped on a different street than I needed, so I had to walk home. I kinda knew my neighbors and it was a safe neighborhood, even way too safe. As I turned to my street and came close to my house, I saw that black car again, parked in my driveway. And now I was scared, really scared. I saw someone or something standing next to the car.

-Why are you following me?- I said trying to sound like I'm not scared.- Just turn around or say something. 

-I know I didn't deserve but can I get a hug?- I heard familiar voice and saw my favorite smile. I simply threw my bag and ran to him. -Did you cut your hair? - He whispered to me when I wrapped my arms and legs around him and I just cried.

-I... missed ...- I was holding on to him for dear life.

-I know. Take your bag, and let's get inside.- He said. - You aren't gonna get down, right? And I just shook my head.

We were greeted by our maid, who left smiling.

-I'm not going anywhere, please get down.- He said and I just held tighter.-  I'm sorry for leaving, I'm sorry for hurting you. 

-I don't care about any of that, just kiss me.- I almost yelled. - Touch me.

-I can't. I'm still a little bit off. Everything happened way too fast and I'm still...- He didn't finish saying because I kissed him, being ready for everything that could happen after this.

-I'm sorry.- I said between kisses. But he didn't push me away or stop me from kissing him.

-I'm so in love with you.- He finally said.- Please let me go, let's get something to eat. And you need to go to bed, it's pretty late already.

-No, I'm skipping tomorrow's lessons.- I said.

-You are going, I have stuff to do, but I promise you'll find me here when you get back.- He said while we got in the kitchen. - Let me cook something for you.- He smiled.

He cooked. I watched.  Our maid left maybe ten minutes later without saying anything. I simply heard her walk out. We had a quiet and nice dinner until...

-I'm sorry but I can't sleep in one bed with you. I'm ttaking the guest room.- He said.

-Why? You can't be in one room like me.- I said getting angry.

-I'm not. I just can't, please understand. I know that you missed me.  I missed you too. Just please do what I ask.- He smiled.

-Fine. - I said before walking upstairs like a pissed kid. 

    I missed him so damn much and we are fighting already over nothing. I wanted to apologize as I heard the guest room light being turned on but I just looked at my doors and didn't move. Shit... I woke up in my bed, alone like always. The room was a little bit cold because I left my window open for fresh air and now I was regretting this decision. I couldn't see anything outside, the fog was terrible today. All of yesterday's memories came back to me and I smiled. I got him back and I was happy, but I just got angry for a stupid reason. I didn't even let him say anything or explain the whole situation to me.  When I opened the doors room looked almost perfect. Like no one was in there, did I drink yesterday and everything was a dream?  No, it can't be true, it felt so real. Not again, I had this kinda of dream. I was almost crying when I felt someone's presence.

-Why are you sad?- He asked.

-Are you real? - I said.

-Well yeah, I'm real, I think. And I don't think that any of us is going anywhere today.- He said. - It's terrible outside, I didn't see my car until I walked into it.

-I'm sorry for yesterday, I just... I'm sorry.

-It's fine, I understand. Let's get something to eat.- He said after some time.

-I'm sorry, I just wanted a different ending. It's fine if you don't want me.- I said.

-I want you more than you can imagine. All I want is to take you but I can't. - He said.- It's a really bad time for me.

-Oh.- I said.

-We won't be going anywhere today. - He said changing the topic.- But trust me I will make you scream, so be prepared for it.- He whispered making me shiver.

- He whispered making me shiver

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Dads best friend... is the monster in my bed...Where stories live. Discover now