...From hell to paradise... and back I

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   I don't remember much from that night. Seeing my burning house paint the night sky red turned my fear into anger. I was ready to fight for my territory even without having any chance of winning that battle. At that moment I simply refused to be intimidated by her....

    Juliet's intentions to move me out of the picture were pretty hard to miss but if she failed to hurt me tonight Mia could end both of us without actually trying. Her driving was way too much for my fragile soul and I screamed when we flew through the city streets and more than one red light. I wasn't a very religious person but I started praying for a safe stop when I could get out of this death roller coaster. I had enough for one day. We finally stopped at the next town's airport which was closed for repairs. I read about it a few days ago in some magazine. But somehow it felt like there was much more action here than usual. I saw two planes landing and gave a questioning look to Mia but I hadn't got any answer from her. A tired old man opened the side gates when those planes were turning for a normal stop and I again looked at Mia hoping for some answers.

-I know nothing so stop looking at me. - She finally said when I almost got in her face.

I sat back in my seat but still kept looking at her. She knows more than she is telling me and I want at least that part of the information. When we got out of the car it was starting to rain. It wasn't a super cold night but the wind managed to make the weather much colder than it was. Why on earth I'm wearing a dress at this time of year? Well maybe because I wasn't planning on being outside at three in the morning ... I focused my eyes on the ground trying to look anywhere else just not to meet anyone's eyes. From what I managed to catch no one here was happy and I didn't want to catch any unnecessary attention until I had my prince standing in front of me.

-You will catch the cold.- He said while putting his jacket on my shoulders. I didn't dare to look at him, I just noticed shaky hands and a strong smell of alcohol. He wasn't wasted or very drunk but he had some strong drinks today and it shows.

The plane's inside was insane, like a small flat with wings and wheels. All those seats looked so comfortable. All I wanted was to sit down immediately.

-You gonna sit with me. - He said noticing my wondering state.- I have a personal corner in here.

-Okay.- I whispered.

I remember closing my eyes for a few seconds before our plane took off and now I woke up with fluffy pillows around me and my legs in his lap. Even with sleepy eyes, I could see that he looked more than tired but still sexy asf. That unintentional leg massage that he was doing with his left hand while working made me melt but this comfortable meditation ended as a call for the bathroom became way too loud and I had to get up. My search ended before they even started as he pointed to the doors behind us. The only light was coming from his laptop and it was hard to see where I could put my hands and feet.

-I didn't leave you to go drinking or have fun, I had some meetings. And yes I had a few drinks but only because I can't stand those ignorant people. - I heard him speak the moment I closed the doors.

- I didn't ask.- I said. -But it's nice to know.- I added while trying to get back to my warm seat. I had to climb over him again and this time he used this to make me sit on his lap.- Seriously?

-Will you marry me? -He said before kissing me. - Not after a year or a month but tonight, when we land. Will you?

-I have nothing to wear.- I laughed as I took this offer as a joke. There is no way he was serious about it.

-I can marry you even with you wearing those fluffy pajamas. What do you say, love?

-Sure.- I giggled not knowing that a few hours later I'd be standing in front of some old priest wearing a cheap summer dress saying yes to the man I had major chrush for almost all my life...

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