...Blue was always our color...

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      The sun wasn't even up but we had to leave or we would have to stay another day or even longer and no matter how nice it was to have him around me I needed some personal space. So after a terrible coffee from the gas station that I threw out after two or three sips, maybe four hours on a small ship trying not to throw up, I was finally enjoying the sand under my feet. Mia gave me a short tour around this place and it simply was paradise on earth. Tons of white sand under huge palm trees, the clearest blue sea I have ever seen, and gorgeous sea shells all over the beach. You can forget the world and your problems here. Later the same day I had a not-so-nice meeting with his little niece. And she wasn't shy to show that I wasn't wanted here but everyone just laughed saying kids sometimes misbehave...   

           It was amazing to see the sun disappearing into the water and stars slowly show up in the night sky. I was happily cuddling the love of my life on a way too comfortable couch/bed as we watched the sunset. If only all evenings could be like this. We talked a lot while being here and I was happy he finally opened up about everything. And I mean everything. He finally showed his true face, his true form. It was something from a horror movies but those warm eyes looking at me made me love him even more. He went through hell but somehow still managed to be a caring and loving person ...

-I'm always ready for someone's betrail, especially when it comes to humankind. One day they love you and the other they stab you in the back ... -

-You can fall out of love, everything is possible but I never understood cheating. If you catch feelings for someone else just end your relationship and move on with your new love ... -

-I was so happy when I found out that I'm gonna be a dad, that happiness blinded me for way too long. Nothing is more painful than coming home and seeing your pregnant fiance fucking your best friend in your own bed. I don't think I'll ever get that image from my head ...

-I don't care what others will think, I can beg you on my knees if needed but please if your feelings ever change ...

-I would never cheat.- I remember not saying but almost yelling looking at him. - I had the biggest crush on you since I was a little girl. God, I would never cheat. I'm in love with you... -

    And today those words were the reason why I was holding a positive pregnancy test. After the last word was said all I could remember was a lot of sex... Like I fall asleep because of the dick and I would wake up because of it. 

    I didn't start to have crazy cravings or morning sickness, my period was late

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    I didn't start to have crazy cravings or morning sickness, my period was late. It wasn't a new thing to me, I was used to a few day's delay but never more thn a week, and today was almost two weeks. So as I woke up alone I decided to finally put my mind at ease and I ended up being lost for the first thirty or more minutes. As I sat on the bathroom floors I started to think about the worst things. I'm gonna get fat and big and round and fat. I'm gonna complain and whine about the simplest things. I wasn't ready for this at this age, maybe if I would be 25 or 26. I tried to collect myself before getting out and making sure I left nothing for anyone to find. The were people working here, him and his mom and Mia. She had been onto me for some time now, nagging to check but I ignored her. Bad idea... I started to overthink the situation again while lying on the bed. How I could tell this to him when I still blush if I walk on him in the shower?

Dads best friend... is the monster in my bed...Where stories live. Discover now