Chapter 31

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Caleb POV

I and Sean sat shoulder to shoulder in the bunker. This is the second time in two days I felt completely helpless. Sitting here not knowing what was going on behind the bunker door was killing me. I didn't know if everyone I loved out there was dead I didn't know if the enemy pack was on their way here to kill off the rest of us.

I looked over to Sean who just sat there unmoving, tears still streaming down his face seemingly without his permission. Even though we both had people we loved out there that could die any minute I felt sorry for Sean. In two days he's already lost his Father and sister, and now his mother, brother, and mate were out there fighting. It's been years since my parents died and my mate got someone else pregnant. All I got left was his, my brother, and my friends. Sean got his whole world out there.

I still don't know why Sean chose not to fight alongside them. Sean wasn't as good as Dean or Joshua in the fighting department but he has alpha blood in him. His father trained him every day because he was the spare alpha. I used to spend hours watching him train so I know he was a very skilled fighter. Why was he here?

"Sean," I called him. He didn't acknowledge me but flinched letting me know he was listening.

"Sean, why didn't you stay and fight?" I asked.

Yes, Jacob could've asked Sean to run and hide in the bunker but Sean would've never left Jacob to fight alone especially since he was already injured.

"Jacob wouldn't let me fight." He said beginning to cry softly.

I didn't respond I just hugged him tightly again. I hate seeing Sean cry, he's my happy, funny, best friend. Before yesterday I could count on one hand how many times I've seen him cry our whole lives.

"I'm pregnant," Sean whispered in my ear. Catching me off guard.

"Wha- what?" I asked pulling back from him to look him in the face. I know he wouldn't joke about that but my mind couldn't understand how he could be pregnant. He's an alpha male Wolf. Us male omegas have a 50-50 chance of getting pregnant but I've never heard of an alpha male wolf getting pregnant.

"I don't know how. 8 refused to believe it but the signs were there before my birthday party. The day of the brunch We got it confirmed with the pack doctor." Sean said through sobs.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked hugging him again. My best friend is pregnant and has been for a while now, how did I not know?

"I wanted to so bad but you had so much going on, you were in a coma a day after my birthday party and then everyone found out about Dean being your mate. There just wasn't a good time to tell you. This last month your life has been hell and I didn't need you worrying about me." Sean said making me cry.

I wanted to spend the last year of my life being there for the people I loved. I didn't know Joshua and Ivy were Lucy's mates. I didn't know my best friend was pregnant. I didn't know my mate got someone else pregnant. I'm a shitty friend. Maybe the world would be better off without me.

We heard banging on the door and I let go of Sean and stood protectively in front of him. Already protective of the miracle baby he was carrying. I walked to the front of the bunker door. Whoever was coming in here would have to go through me first.

The door opened and I saw my brother Chris. A sigh of relief escaped my lips. I rushed and hugged him, needing his comfort right now.

"Everything is okay, we won you guys are safe now," Chris said and I heard people cheering and crying with joy. I don't know how long we were in the bunker but it felt like forever.

Once people were leaving the bunker I let go of Chris but he didn't let me go. He squeezed me so tight I almost couldn't breathe. I sensed he needed a hug right now so I hugged him again. Chris might be my brother but he raised me longer than my actual parents did. He's the only father figure and family member I have. We didn't have a chance yesterday to enjoy the fact that we didn't lose each other.

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