Part 2

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Sapphire speaking is in italics

The pack talking will be in italics underlined.


Jacob's p.o.v.

It has been three days waiting for Bella to wake up from turning into a vampire. During that time, Sapphire and Renesmee have grown about two months in physical form. Sapphire now speaks to all of us in our minds and it feels like she isn't mute at all. Renesmee doesn't speak yet and also has power of showing her memories to everyone. Call me slightly selfish and cocky but Sapphire's powers are more amazing than Renesmee's. 

'Jake,' I look down at Sapphire looking up at me. 

"Yeah?" I speak out loud. She is mute, not deaf.

'Do you think my first mommy is going to like me?'

"I don't know but It doesn't matter cause you have Alice and Jasper and you got me with the rest of the family. You need not worry." She smiles and yawns. I smile and lean back on the couch keeping her lying on my chest. "Go to sleep, you need it."

Sapphire nods and falls to sleep quickly. Jasper walks over and sits next to me. Leah and Seth are out patrolling. When Bella is awake, I will tell Seth to come in. Then we hear it. Bella stood and talked softly to Edward. Before they can meet their children, Edward takes Bella out to hunt. 

'Seth, wait for Bella outside the house in human form. Just so we can see she can control her thirst.'

'Roger that alpha Jake.' I roll my eyes at the title the young wolf named me.

'Hehe, alpha Jake.' I look down at the awake Sapphire. She is smiling and mentally giggling. 

"Yes, it is very funny." She laughs once more in my mind but I think she laughed in all our heads. Everyone grinned looking at Sapphire. 

After a hunt and testing her control with Seth, Bella enters the house wearing a hugging blue dress. Alice and Jasper stand beside me and Seth, Rosalie, and Emmett stand on my left. Sapphire and Renesmee look at their mother. Bella first looks at Renesmee before looking at Sapphire.

"Jake? Why do you have a baby in your arms?" Is she serious right now?

"Bella you had two children not just Renesmee," Alice speaks for me.

"How is that possible?" she asks staring cautiously at Sapphire. Seriously?! She is a baby not a beast.

"Renee was first born but Sapphire as Alice named her came out after," Edward explains holding a distrusting tone.

"I...I didn't know."

"She broke your ribs and killed you, Bella. You died before I took her out. She also is mute." That is when I see it. The hate in her eyes. Edward is convincing her to cast Sapphire out.

"Then I don't want her." I hold back growling at the woman.

"Bella..."Alice tries to convince the mother but she just narrows her eyes at Alice.

"I said I don't want her. Renesmee's my child, not her. You can take her if you want Alice."

"I already did and you just convinced me to." Alice takes Sapphire in her arms and a cold air appears between them.

"She has teeth. How is that possible?" Bella holds Renesmee from Rosalie.

"Their growth rate is fast." Carlisle says.

"And it has been three days."

"Alright, I think that is enough experimenting for now."

"Seth. She is doing fine." I remain quiet. Seth can handle himself and he has proven that already.

"Yeah but let us not push it." Bella fixes a glare at him.

"What is your problem?" She asks. Seth looks at me and I nod. I hand Sapphire to Alice to step in.

"Rosalie take Renesmee to her room. Edward, don't touch me right now I don't want to hurt you." I growl and step between my pack member and Bella. "Jake get out of my way."

"Listen, Bella, it is not what you think. It's a wolf thing. I told you about it already. You need to understand it is out of our control." I gently explain to the seething vampire in front of me.

Bella and I stare at each other before she moves quickly and grips the back of my neck. I grunt and she drags me out before tossing me on the ground. I scramble up quickly and watch Leah return from her spot.

"Seth imprinted on my daughter!" Seth quickly steps to the floor and backs away from the mad vampire standing beside his sister.

"Jake also imprinted on Sapphire but I am fine with that," Edward tells Bella making her anger raise.

"She is just a baby!" Bella glares at Seth but I step in front of him.

"It is not like that Bella. You think Edward would make me live if it was?" Seth says.

"You both will stay away from her."

"You know we can't do that." Bella throws her fist but I had enough. I grasp her fist and growl at her. Her eyes widen at the fact I fought against her. I am so done with this attitude. "Enough Bella. Nobody is going to keep our imprints away not even you. Either get used to it or don't but either way, Sapphire is my imprint and I will protect her forever while Renesmee is Seth's imprint and he will protect her forever. It is our law to protect and look after our imprints. Anyone that stands in the way of that will allow us to intervene and in some cases take our imprints away. Do you want that?"

Bella stares at me in shock. I glare at her and shove her fist down by her side. Right now, I am taking the alpha role and telling this newborn just what the situation is whether she cares or not. No more am I going to let myself go blind by Bella's antiques. 

"You are not taking Renesmee away from me."

"Then don't stop Seth from seeing her and all will be fine. Seth will be anything to keep Renesmee happy same with me and Sapphire. If you want your daughter to be in constant heartache due to the imprint bond, then try and keep her and us away." After that mindful pep talk, Bella goes back inside to hold Renesmee and Seth walks in too but stays a bit away.

"Good job Jacob." Leah comments besides me. "You are really an alpha."

"I am done pushing my blood right away. If being an alpha ensures Sapphire's safety then that is what I will be."

Leah nods and I nod at Jasper before Leah and I head off for a patrol. Seth is fine being in the house and looking after both our imprints.

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