Part 16

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Seeing an angry vampire is rare considering they keep their composure most of the time. A female vampire will have a shorter fuse but they can be calm with help from their mate. Mates are special and important in vampire lives. One can calm the other but there are rare cases that doesn't always work. Like right now. It is now the vampire kings turn to grasp their mate to hold her back. Their grip is tight but they don't make much effort in stopping the female for long.

Isabelle Swan Cullen has been afraid a few times in her mortal life but never in her immortal life. Today would be the start of her fear as an immortal. She stares feeling her strength and courage leave her body as her blood daughter two colored eyes turn black. No single thread of color is left in those enraged eyes. The rest of the family feels the air shift and the strength they find in their immortal bodies run away. Even the strongest vampire in the room or even in millenniums feel their body shiver.

"Y-you heard me." The hard stare the queen is giving her has Bella gulp her words down. She may have been afraid of the vampire kings when she was human but her own flesh and blood ex daughter has brought a whole new feeling of being deadly afraid. Sapphire does not say anything or twitch a single muscle. Her black eyes remain frozen on the woman who gave birth to her. The kings glance at their mate and at each other unsure for once what to do.

"It must have been terrible to live the way you did. Having a mother and father, a boyfriend, friends, being normal and human. Charlie Swan is an amazing grandfather, Renee Dwyer is an adventurous and strong woman i may have never met but that does not matter much. You have a werewolf that was loyal to you till the very end even when you died and became a vampire. If he did not find his imprint in me, he could have easily turned his back on you. Let you go as you die. From all you have in your life i do not see where the bitterness came from. Do i threaten you? You made me and instead of being happy, you are selfish and bitter and the big question is for what reason? What do you want from me so badly you hate every vein in my body for? Answer me that mother." Those black eyes return to the two beautiful colors the family and covens love so much.

Eyes turns to Isabella as she has a stare down with her own daughter. The kings let go of their mate feeling her relax in their embrace. Silence continues to stretch over the time as mother and daughter stare at each other. Sapphire expecting some kind of answer while Bella ponders. Nobody moves or wants to move in case something happens last minute and they miss it.

Bella looks for the first time who she gave birth to. About 2 inches shorter than Aro, long brown hair pinned back but allowed to fall down to her lower spine. Sapphire and Emerald eyes staring with expectations of her answer. She noticed how curvy and yet gorgeous Sapphire is. Strong willed like she is. As Renesmee looks so much like Bella, she notices staring back at her is a more fitting image of a female Edward. Her bitchy attitude may be intertwined with the fact she was seeing Sapphire as some replacement of Edward and her attachment to her husband got her blinded and hating the girl when she should have loved her. They have two daughters that look like them in female form. Bella shoulders slump as reality hits her. Sapphire is mute, outcast by her blind hate of her appearance and perhaps she felt jealous her daughter is much more beautiful than her or even Rosalie. Even as Bella rejected her own daughter did not leave her alone. She had the Cullens and now the Volturi to support and protect her. Bella threw her to monster and she returned powerful to lead those monsters. A queen.

The bitterness and hate seem to slip off her shoulders. Bella looks at everyone watching her expecting her outrageous actions to harm Sapphire. She has turned into the monster she thought the kings were. Looking at the kings, Bella feel like a fool. They had been powerful and cruel for millenniums but when they met Sapphire they became powerful but with strength of their love for her daughter. Sapphire completes them in some ways Bella can see and some ways that remain hidden.

'What do you want from me?' the question returns spinning in her head and her eyes snap to Sapphire. Bella lips twitch in the mixed emotions she has. Guilt, love, regret, small amount of hate, bitterness, jealousy etc. Bella is unsure what she does want from her own daughter.

"I...don't know."

"When you do, call me because i still am willing to give you a chance. Every mother has a chance just like every father in making things right. I could be bitter back at you. Hate that you hate me but what is that going to do for either of us. The battle will never end and i don't even want one. You are my mother blood and all just as i am your daughter. I may have been unexpected but shouldn't be happy you have another daughter? Many vampires believe having the luck of one blood child being born in their human lives but it is a special gift when you get to have two. The mending of our relationship is up to you. When you are ready, you know where to find me." Sapphire smiles at Bella with awe inspiring love in her eyes before she turns to her grandfather. "thank you for everything grandpa."

"your welcome. For the next few hours, best not use your powers too much. You are bleeding from your nose." Eyes snap to her face and see blood sliding down her pale skin.

"Oops." Alice brings a hankie and Sapphire smiles placing the tissue to stem the bleeding.

"Let us return home mi amore." Marcus says smiling for the kindness his mate shown a vampire that does not deserve it. Sapphire only nods and waves bye to everyone before walking outside with the kings following with the guards behind them.

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