Part 8

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"Sapphire, honey, you have everything, relax," Alice tells her daughter who is rushing around like a headless chicken. After everything settled and the friendly covens headed home, Sapphire was told to head to Volterra and live with her mates. Nervousness doesn't quite cut it.


"Sapphire, you got us. There is nothing to worry about and your family isn't going anywhere." Jacob reassures the stressed hybrid.

'I know. I just never flew on a plane or gone anywhere so I am nervous and scared.'

"You will be just fine. I promise." Jacob reassures her and she nods.

"Be safe sweetie." Esme walks over and hugs the seventeen-year-old girl when in reality she is only three years old.

"Don't do anything naughty, tenderfoot." Sapphire glares at Emmett but accepts the hug from him.

'Hilarious uncle.'

All the Cullens hug the second hybrid child until it came to Edward and Renesmee. Bella stayed in her house not wanting to look at the monster. Her words. Edward and Renesmee have apologized to Sapphire and fixed some of their relationships but not much will mend all of it. You can't fix your birth. 

"Promise to come to visit." Renesmee finally bonded with her sister and began to understand the pain Sapphire felt when they separated.

'I will. Every month remember.' The sister hug and Alice takes two photos. One for Sapphire and the other for Renesmee.

"Stay safe and be good," Edward says slightly shy. Sapphire nods before shoving her hate away and hugging her first father even though he never was. Edward accepts the hug and if he were human he would be shedding tears.

'Bye everyone.' Alice, Jasper, Sapphire, Jake, and Leah walk outside and in the car heading off to the airport to fly to Italy. Volterra and new life, here we come.

'Wow, nice plane.' Sapphire says in her family's mind staring a the huge flying machine.

"It is a private jet. The kings wished to have you ride in style." Two familiar guards stand by the stairs and the young girl spoke. "I am Jane and this is my twin brother Alec. Welcome my queen."

'Just call me Sapphire.' The two share a bond of touch in order for Sapphire to speak in their minds. The twin's nod and everyone gets on the jet. Two other vampires are lounging around.

"I am Demetri the tracker and this is Felix the strong one." Demetri introduces himself and his friend to the queen. When Sapphire shakes hands with the two, as always the soft and gentle voice enters their minds.

'Sapphire, please, and it is nice to meet you both.' During the flight, the guards and the queen got to know each other some more. The feeling of the queen's voice in their minds becomes second nature and not an odd nudging.

"What is it that you like to do?" Alec asks Sapphire watching her lounge back against Jake. The wolves' scents are strong but the vampires quickly got used to it so the queen does not hate them.

'I like running around in my animal forms. That is another ability of mine. Metamorphasis.'

"What animals can you turn into?" Felix asks sitting across from the queen on the other couch with Alec and Demetri beside him.

'A fox, wolf, squirrel, deer, and a snow owl. the more animals I meet or see the more animals I can turn into.'

'Wow, I wonder what other abilities the queen has?' Alec speaks in his mind not knowing everyone just heard him.

"Alec, how did I just hear your brain?" Demetri jumps.

'Oh sorry about that. My fault. Once  I have bonded with people I kinda can link their minds together so you all can hear each other's thoughts like the shifters do. I can control it but it takes a bit of energy out of me. I need to practice some more with the control.'

"Oh, that is alright my queen. Just surprised and would you mind answering my question?" Alec asks.

'No problem and added to my abilities is telepathy like Edward. It is kind of a two-way communication for me. I need to read your mind to answer your thoughts. Sorry.'

"Nothing to be sorry for. It is amazing." Jane responds smiling kindly at the queen. Sapphire smiles back glad the guards are nice and welcoming her.

"Alright, I think that is enough talking. c'mon, Sapphire, time for bed."

'Mom! No, I don't want to sleep.' They have never heard the queen whine before, and neither did Jake and Leah.

"Sapphire you may look like a teen but your age is still three years old. You need a nap or else you will be yawning and grumpy the rest of the day. C'mon." Jasper says giving that father a stern look at his daughter.

'Fine. Can I at least sleep on Jake's lap? He is so comfy and I don't want to move.' Jake laughs and nods with Alice and Jasper. Leah places a beige soft blanket on Sapphire as she curls up on Jake's lap and goes right to sleep.

"So, Jake, Leah, I am just curious as to what you plan on doing in Italy?" Felix asks wanting to know why two wolves are joining their queen.

"Sapphire is Jake's imprint and Alice and Jasper made us her godparents if anything were to happen we would take care of her including the kings. We also think our place is in Volterra. The Cullen territory is already taken and La Push is mostly taken care of by Sam so Jake and I thought Volterra is our calling. Not to mention we go where Sapphire goes." Leah explains to the vampires keeping her voice down to not wake the hybrid.

"Okay. Are you sure you will be able to handle being in a castle filled with vampires?" Alec asks to tease.

"We have spent two years already in the Cullens residence with their friends. We have gotten used to the scent of vampires and hanging around with them so yeah. We will manage. We would do anything to make Sapphire happy." Jake responds this time looking down with lovestruck puppy eyes at Sapphire.

"You love her." Jane states with a small dreamy look her brother and friends have never seen before.

"I do. She is amazing and nobody will replace her." everyone smiles tenderly at the alpha.

"We shall be soon landing." The pilot says over the intercom.

"Let her sleep, she needs it for her exploring of the castle. Jake, mind carrying her?" Alice says leaning on the back of the chair.

"No problem." When the plane lands, Jake gently lifted his mate into his arms and walks out of the jet and into the awaiting cars. Leah joins his side with two of the guards to drive. Alice, Jasper, Felix, and Demetri drive behind them in another car. To Volterra castle, they go.

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