Ch. 1: Just Breathe

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I groan as my alarm clock blares in my ear. Sleep was so peaceful now it's completely interrupted. That's just rude, hasn't anyone taught that thing manners?

Clearly not.

"Katie! Come eat breakfast!" Papa yells from downstairs.

I toss my housecoat on and slip my feet in my fuzzy pink slippers. I head out my bedroom door and towards the kitchen. Papa has our food placed neatly in the center of the table. Both our places has a plate, a fork, and a small glass cup. The center of the small table has bacon, eggs, biscuits, gravy, and hashbrowns; each on their own dish while the orange juice in a pitcher. Before we even grab any food, Papa always says a prayer. He's the preacher after all.

"Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank thee for the food and for another day. Continue to watch over us and keep us guided on the correct path. Continue to keep Katie's.... Uh.... Issue at bay. Amen." Papa says his prayer.

"Amen." I groggily say.

I scoop a little eggs out of the dish, grab a few pieces of bacon, scoop out a bigger portion of the hashbrowns, and fix my gravy and biscuits. I pour orange juice in my glass and begin to eat.

"It's your senior year Katie. Make sure you stick to the plan. Go to school, get passing grades, do your clubs, come home and do your homework. Don't forget to continue to do your piano lessons at six pm." Papa reminds me.

"I know Papa. No boyfriends. Stick to the plan. Besides it's not like I have guys falling at my feet anyways. So sticking to the plan won't be a problem." I respond back to Papa.

"Good. Now, finish up or you'll be late for school." Papa again reminds me.


It's the first day of school!

How could I forget?

I stuff the last bite in my mouth and scramble back up the stairs. I can't be late on my first day. What am I talking about? I'm never late! I pull out my jeans and plain white tee shirt. I pair it with my pink cardigan Papa bought me last summer. I quickly change into my clothes and slip on my white keds. I throw my hair into a low ponytail. I don't wear makeup so that always saves time in the mornings. I brush my teeth before I head out my room. I glance around to make sure I haven't forgotten anything. When I see I haven't, head back downstairs to the living room. Papa is going over his Wednesday night Sermon. I grab my old black backpack off the shelf and keys off the hook. I kiss Papa on top of his head and walk out the door.

I walk to my old 1998 Volvo. When I start her up, soft piano music begins to play. I back out the driveway and head towards Adams County High School. Once I pull into my spot, I quickly get out. I hug my book to my chest and keep my head down. I hate when people stare and whisper about me. I try to let it not bother me but it gets to me at times. I hate being center of attention even if it's because I'm a 'freak' as they call me.

As I bounce up the stairs that lead into the school, Hayden and his group of Neanderthals are sitting on the concrete railing.

Like always.

"Here comes the freak." One of them whispers.

"Be careful her daddy will make us repent for our sins." One cracks up.

"She always dresses like an old lady." Another says louder than the rest.

"More like a nun." One cracks a joke.

I keep my head down and continue to my destination. Hayden never really says anything bad about me. But, he never says anything to make his group stop bullying me. I've known him since kindergarten. At one point in elementary school, we use to be close. That was until middle school hit and all he wanted was to be popular. Which he already was, just I wasn't in his circle of friends anymore. He met the people he's friends with now and that was the end of our six year friendship. I watched as he spiraled downhill quickly. His parents divorced and he went to the wild side. Nothing has changed since middle school, he still is on the wild side. I highly doubt he'll graduate at all. It'll be a miracle if he does. The old Hayden hasn't made a single appearance since he's been friends with those people. I don't hate him for giving up our friendship. I could never hate anyone.

I reach my locker and begin to pull out the books I'll need. I grab my binder as I'm about head off towards my first class. As I turn to leave my locker, someone slams their hand over my binder. This causes my book and binder to fly out my hands. When I glance up, I see it's one of Hayden's friends. All of them are laughing except Hayden. He's just staring blankly into space. Again, he doesn't stop his group from tormenting me. It's hard to believe we used to be the best of friends. I crouch down and pick up my fallen belongings. Their laughs get weaker and weaker as they walk away from me. I stand back up with my belongings back in my hand. This year will be the same as every other year.


Complete torture.

Just breathe Katie.

Just breathe.

I inhale when my left leg lifts up. I exhale as my left leg steps back down. All the way until I reach English 4 AP.

I open the door and see my tormentors in this class.
I internally groan.

Just breathe Katie.

Just breathe.

I take a seat at the front of the class. Directly in front of the board. I'm several seats away from Hayden and his crew. Which gives me some sort of security. When the final bell rings, Ms. Harper walks in with her heels clicking on the classroom floor.

As soon as the words leave her lips, I begin to dread who I'll be paired with.

"Katie and Hayden."

Just breathe Katie.

Just breathe.

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