Ch. 3: My English Summary

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Today our English Summary is due. Thankfully, I got mine done the day she had given the assignment out. We aren't reading them out loud but, she is grading them while we're in class. She's going to hand them back out before the period ends. We have to keep the summary so when we turn in our other one in two months. She can look over how our views have changed.

If any.

Then she will grade the newer one and will handing that one back out after she grades it. We have to do a report on how the beginning of our summary is different from our last summary. So, pretty much he's my partner all semester in English as well.

Meaning now he's my partner in two of my classes.

Just breathe Katie.

Just breathe.

It'll get better with time.

I hope.

"You have ten minutes to proofread your summaries then you'll pass them to me." Ms. Harper instructs.

I glance down at the paper in front of me.

'My study today is Hayden Liam Huxley. He was born on May 12th 1986 in Gransbury, Michigan. He moved to Florence Township, South Carolina when he was five-years-old. All of elementary school, he was a happy child. When middle school came, his parents divorced and he became a landslide. He quit football, he quit trying in school, he quit being his normal self. The Hayden we have today is a Hayden that prefers to party and skip school. Does his parents divorce have anything to do with his downward spiral? We won't know until I study him more. Will he open up and let me see the real him under all the tough bad boy persona? We won't know for a few months. I believe his psychology mindset is fixed because as soon as you mention anything he's not interested in; he doesn't want to do it. He already considers himself to fail so why try. I think over time if he lets anyone other than his 'group' in; he'll become to have growth mindset. But I wouldn't know until two months time.'

"Alright class. Turn in your summaries and I'll hand them back out before the end of class." Ms. Harper announces.

I gladly hand her my paper and hope it will pass. I mean it should, I believe. While she's grading our summaries, we get the lovely time to watch Joan Of Arc.


Because for a month straight we learn about historical figures. This month is Joan of Arc which means by the end of the month; we have to write a well thought out report on what we have learned. It doesn't have to be several pages; she said it only has to be one page minimum. We get to take notes on the movie.

Thank goodness because I don't know if I can remember all the important topics.

I grab my notebook and pencil out and begin to write my outline's important topics.

'Joan Of Arc
Born: 1412 in Domremy, Dutchy Of Bar, Kingdom Of France
Death: May 30th 1431
Age at death: 19
born to a peasant family.
Requested to see King Charles because she was guided visions by Archangel Michael, Saint Margaret, and Saint Catherine.
Why? To help save France from English domination.
Convinced of her devotion and purity she was sent to siege of Orleans as part of a relief party.
She failed siege of Paris and the siege of La Charite which caused the courts to reduce faith in her.
She was caught by the Burgundian troop on may 23 1431.
She tried to escape several times which failed.
She was trialed and found guilty on May 30 1431 and was burned at the stake.
She was only 19.
She fought in the Hundred Years War.
Battle of Patay success was the start of Frances turn of the tide during the Hundred Years War.'

Thirty minutes before class ends, she pauses the movie. I was surprisingly actually into that movie. She stands at the front of the class and begins to walk through the aisles. She places our summaries face down on our desk in front of us.

'Katie, you have done a phenomenal job on this summary. I can tell you still care for your classmate. I believe you will be the one to help him move towards growth mindset. Don't give up on him. I know he'll be a difficult subject but I believe you can turn him around. You didn't cast judgement his way and you stated facts about him. So, the reader can get a feel for why he acts the way he does. You didn't go into much of his personal life which is also impressive.


Keep up the great work!

Ms. Harper'

Oh my lanta!

I gotten an A+ on a hard subject to write about. I glance over to Hayden's direction. I can see his summary of me and my heart drops a mile. First thing I see on his summary makes my mood sour.

'My study is Katie Morgan Alder. Her father is the township's preacher. Her mother died when she was just a baby. She's too religious and doesn't explore outside of church and school. She is in the constellations club and helps tutor other children, middle schoolers to be exact. She's the school's 'freak' but no one knows the Katie I used to know. She's closed off more than in elementary school. To me she's fixed minded. There's no hope for her.'

I don't even finish his summary nor do I see the teacher comment or his grade.

Why that little a......

Positive thought Katie.

We don't cuss.

If it wasn't a crime or frowned upon.... I'd strangle this jerk. He's so judgmental. Who says that about someone?

Hayden does.

And here I thought he could be a miracle.

A miracle my rear.

Just breathe Katie.

Just breathe.

It will get better.

When the bell rang, for once I am the first one out of the classroom. As I finish up at my locker, I can hear Hayden and his group coming down the hall. I close my locker and begin to walk with my head slightly down. My eyes are on my white keds as I walk down the hallway.

"Here comes the freak." One of them whispers.

"Don't let her touch you or you'll go all Jesus on us." The other cackles.

"I heard the really religious ones are secretly freaking in bed." Another jokes.

Hayden's voice isn't heard yet he still doesn't stick up for anyone. He hasn't stuck up for anyone since elementary school.

I squeeze my way through the crowd until I hear the principal's voice at the other end of the hall.

"Hayden Huxley, Dina Clark, Remy Brinks, Collin Longmire, Preston Allen, and Kellie Quinn. My office now."

You can hear Hayden and his group groan and complain as they head towards the office.

All I can keep telling myself as I walk to my next class is....

Just breathe Katie.

Just breathe.

It'll get better.

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