Ch. 2: My Psychology Partner

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"Katie and Hayden."

Just breathe Katie

Just breathe.

"For this assignment, you have all class period to learn about your partner. You have until the end of the week to turn in a summary of your partner. Add in where you'll see them in ten years. What you see in them? Their flaws and their strengths. We are doing psychology here. We need to see how our brain is functioning. It's an easy warm up, plus it'll help me with what you truly need to study in English 4. This isn't freshman year where you can slack off people. We are getting you ready for college not a slumber party." Ms. Harper explains the assignment.


I have to write about Hayden of all people. I really don't need him next to me to write about him. I've known him since we both were five-years-old. So, this assignment will be a piece of cake for me. I am just dreading what he'll write about me. Everyone calls me a freak for some reason. So, I'm sure he'll write about how I'm this religious crazy freak person. He won't write about who I truly am. He won't write about my hobbies outside of school or church. He won't write about the real me. He will write about the freak he sees me as.

"In two months, you will again write a summary of your partner. We will see how your views on them have changed." Ms. Harper instructs again.


A whole semester as his partner! A whole semester of hearing how horrible he thinks about me. His opinion will not change within two months. I'll still be that freak everyone whispers about.

"You may now get with your partner and talk about the project." Ms. Harper tells everyone.

I don't move an inch. I hear the seat next to me scrap across the wooden floor. I glance over and see Hayden looking back at me.

"Look, we both know each other. So, we don't have to ask all these boring questions. How about we write out our bulletin points so, it'll be easier to write out our assignment later on." Hayden suddenly suggests.

"That sounds fine." I mumble out.

We both pull out our notebooks and we begin to write down our thoughts.

'English 4 AP Summary Project

▪️Hayden Liam Huxley
▪️Gransbury, Michigan
▪️Moved to Alder Township at 5-years-old
▪️Favorite color: Green
▪️Reminds him of the Forest and happy thoughts.
▪️Sports Fanatic
▪️Placed football until middle school
▪️Quit trying in middle school
▪️Have to be smart to play dumb that long
▪️Parents Divorced
▪️Sent him in a downward spiral.

I would say from my 'psychological' thinking he went into a downward spiral due to situations of the negative like his parents divorcing. This cause negative thoughts, emotions, and actions to come forward. With him doing the downward spiral for so long, it's becoming worse as the time goes by. However, I see the good in him even if he doesn't. He's a miracle waiting to happen. I just know it.'

I place my pencil down and close my notebook. Hayden has already closed his by the time I finished my bulletin point. He didn't give much thought to this assignment.

"You're probably wandering why I'm having you do this assignment besides where your writing needs a little guidance with. All of you have psychological sociology this semester. Mrs. Willow will be doing an assignment with partners. This is just a warm up to what she has planned. So, I'm here to get that brain of your's to work before you make it to her class. Good luck class!" Ms. Harper says while dismissing us.

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