Ch. 10: Everything Comes Crashing Down

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Hayden and I have been dating for a few months now. Papa has done a 180 and has actually started to like Hayden. This revelation has completely made me whole. The Hayden from the beginning of the year isn't this Hayden. Hell this Hayden isn't even like the Hayden from elementary school. That's probably because we're both eighteen and not hyper five year olds.

Most people don't even care that we're even dating. I get bullied less and surprisingly Hayden doesn't get bullied at all. Since we have been together the past few months. He has made it a habit to wake up thirty minutes earlier than normal for school. He comes to my house and we ride together. At first people were astonished to see us arriving together. But as time went by, they kind of just got use to it. Well except Hayden's friends, they still glare at me. They probably like to try to talk Hayden out of dating with me.

Who honestly know.

I just know they don't like me. Not one bit. They still give their snide remarks but Hayden puts them all in their places.

The school day starts as normal as possible. Some stares here and there. Eventually lunch time has arrived. Hayden has been sent to the principal's office because the principal decided to reduce his punishment since he has had excellent behavior. So, I have to go to the cafeteria by myself. It feels weird heading to the cafeteria by myself. As I walk through the doors, I already knew something was up. Everyone's attention has turned to me. Some have sorrow in their eyes, some have excitement in their's, and a few can't contain their laughter.

As I walk closer in the cafeteria, I hear my name being called.

"Katie!" Kellie screams out.

This gets my attention and I turn to face Hayden's friends. Remy has a smirk plastered on her face while Kellie has a bright smile. Dina and Preston are bursting into laughter. Collin is surprisingly, he looks uncomfortable. All it took was one moment.

Just one moment and everything came crashing down.

Quite literally.

Kellie and Dina each pull a string. A banner that wasn't visible earlier is now in the dead center of the cafeteria. As it rolls down more people erupt into laughter. Everyone but Collin. When it is on full display, my stomach drops to my feet. It's a full body picture of Hayden and I at the waterfall a few months back. We both were in our swimsuits. He was in his dark green trunks as I was in my black one piece. He gave me a kiss on the lips that day at the waterfall. Everyone else was at the lake that day too. It just surprises me that someone took that picture of us. But it wasn't the original picture. They had edited it to where my swimsuit is like a nun. I have the nun headdress on and everything except instead of a dress. It's a nun like swimsuit. The caption on the picture itself says 'all the guys versus Katie's vagina.' When I finally process what I am seeing; Preston throws a huge stack of papers in the air. A few liter around my feet. It's the same picture as before but I'm naked, in reality, I was never naked to begin with. I have a nun's headdress on. My arm is covering my breasts as my lower half is covered by Hayden's hand. Like the original picture of us with our normal swimsuits on. The side of my rear is on full display and the caption for these flyers is 'who's next?' More laughter erupts in the cafeteria.

Before I could move or think; Hayden comes up behind me. His arms wrap around my waist and he turns me around. He buries my head into he crook of his neck. Hayden has seen what everyone else has seen.

"Go wait outside Katie." He whispers in my ear.

I nod my head in his neck and walk off towards the door. I pause when I hear Hayden's voice. He sounds so mad.

"What the fuck is this?" He yells.

"We though it was a clever joke." Preston laughs out.

"A clever joke? Seriously?! What the fuck has Katie done to any of you?" He screams louder.

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