Chapter 3 - FFW&B. Recovery In the Slightest/In Its Lightest - Daily Life - [3]

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The next morning came

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The next morning came. And a sudden announcement played.

"*Ding dong, Bing bong* May all students come to the gym!" That voice, it's been forever since I heard MonoMew speak. That other voice though, the one I heard two days ago. Maybe today I could find out what that was. I could find out who MonoMew was talking to. Maybe I'll find out what I should do with that USB. 

As the announcement said. I went to the gym. As expected, everyone else was there as well.

"What's it this time. Another motive?" Simon started speaking.

"Another motive? Puhuhu! That would be wonderful! But unfortunately, no. There is no motive today. Today is a special day! My birthday!" MonoMew said.

"Not One Person Here Fucking Cares About Your Birthday!" Yelled Mark.

"... Wow... You're SO MEAN!" MonoMew cried. "I hate you Mark!.. I hope Penelope kills you!"

"Why me?! I don't want to kill Mark. Not at all!" Yelled Penelope.

"Stop it with you unpleaseant Jokes MonoMew. Now why did you actually call us to the gym?" Mary said.

"But Penelope is a sweetheart! Mark on the other hand, is anything but a sweetheart! It makes things interesting! Well. Enough of this. Mary, to answer your question. For my birthday, I present!... A competition!"

"A competition? Why a competition." I said.

"Because.. This Competition has a reward! And that reward is... You can ask me one thing about this killing game."

"About the killing game? Are you lying to us!" Mary yelled.

"Lie? Me? Of course not! Well, continuing on! You 14 will be put into 7 teams of 2. Know I'll announce the pairs. Let's see. We'll go with... Evangeline & Draco... Simon & Jolt... Constance & Shawn... Gabriel & Alan... Penelope & Mary... Flare & Victoria... and Michael & Mark. So let's start right away!"

MonoMew flew up from its position and charged some mystical aura. Then, darkness filled my vision.




This room? I've never seen it before.

"Eva!!!" I looked behind me to see Draco sitting.

"Draco! do you know what happened to us?" I asked.

"No.. but it started that light came from MonoMew." said Draco. "He also said this was a competition.

"It looks like we're trapped. So maybe we have to be the first to escape?" I suggested. "It looks like there's three things before us." There was a pool of water, leading down somewhere. An arrow pointing up to the ceiling, where there was a door. And a fairly sized patch of soil. probably enough to fit two Snorlax.

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