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O N E    W E E K    L A T E R

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O N E W E E K L A T E R . . .

"Can we get a soul train line happening right now? Because that announcement calls for a celebration." Natalia looked around the spacious establishment as the wives and girlfriends of the warrior's team laughed.

"This place is too prestigious for us to be dancing like that. They might kick us out." Ayesha claimed.

True. I do think we should toast to Zayley's great news." Mariah said, raising her glass.

It had been a week since Zayley called it quits on her three-year relationship. She had been so cooped up with work and figuring out the single lifestyle she had forgotten to mention the news to those close to her.

Therefore, a brunch date with her long-time best friend and new profound friends was much needed.

"Cheers to our dear friend Zayley. For realizing her worth and getting out of that relationship." Mariah announced.

A round of cheers and amens was let out by the women sitting at the table as they clinked their glasses.

"Thank you all for this. You guys don't know how much I needed this girl time." Zayley smiled while sipping her mimosa.

"Girl, you and I both. These kids have been driving me insane these past few days." Hazel threw her hands up dramatically.

"Your talking about kids? Juan has been getting under my skin all week. It's driving me crazy." Audi rolled her eyes.

"How so?" Mychal questioned.

"Literally, he's been all over my skin. I don't know what's going on, but he's been overly affectionate and clingy." She explained.

"Audi, don't do Juanito like that." Zayley chuckled at her reasoning.

"I'm being so serious right now. Don't get me wrong, I love it. But sometimes I need my space."

"Cut him some slack. It sounds like he can't get enough of you." Ayesha shrugged.

"I can't get enough of him either, but I need him to slow his role. Or else I'll be popping out a little Toscano-Anderson soon."

"Oh, he's gonna go off the charts when that day comes."

They continued to converse about current things happening in their lives as they enjoyed their delicious meals and well-made beverages.

"I know it's probably too early to say, but how's the single life treating you?" Mychal, who was sitting next to Zayley asked.

"It's great! I was iffy about it, but I've gotten over that." She waved off.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐘 𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃, jordan pooleWhere stories live. Discover now