27. Squirm

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Hailey Aspen-

My heart pounded, seeing him read what I did.

I grabbed a pillow from my bed, clutching it against me as I looked at him.

His stupidly beautiful face.

I wanted to know what was going through his head.

"Hailey, when did you write this one?" He asked.

I didn't answer, my teeth crushing my bottom lip.

"This has a start that's awfully familiar." He told me.

And he was right.

Me pinned on the floor, him over me, his knee so close to my pussy, his lips on mine.

That was how it started.

But with fake names.

But I would let him read everything I make. He liked it, he thought I was good, he was genuinely interested.

And that made me happiest of all.

But that didn't stop my stomach from pulsating and moving like I was on a roller coaster.

"Wow." He whispered.

I wanted to know what part he was on.

What he was thinking.

"Is this your mentality? Was it when I was over you?" He asked me, shutting the book, his finger trapped where he stopped.

I nodded.

He smiled.

He nodded, opening the book again.

He said nothing. I wanted to know everything.

"Is that bad?" I croaked, my throat so dry.

"Not at all. I'm just surprised." He didn't look at me as he kept reading.

But this got steamy. This was literally written about Travis.

And I couldn't speak how I wrote.

I voiced the submission of my characters loud and proud in ink.

But I could never do that for myself.

I didn't even know if I really liked what I read until I was put in that position.

And I really liked it.

"Do you like being praised like this? Like when I called you a good girl a few days ago? Is that what this is from?" He asked me.

I nodded, chewing my lower lip like my life depended on it.

He hummed.

"What're you thinking?" I asked.

"That you're a lot more fun than I bargained for." He answered, not looking up from the pages.

I froze.

"Doesn't that seem too much though? Unrealistic?" I asked.

He looked at me and smiled.

"Baby don't be silly. You make my job a lot easier. You don't understand how I feel about you. All of this is exactly what I want to do to you. But I'm always nervous I'm being too much." He told me.

Baby. I loved that name. I loved that from him.

I nodded.

"Stop chewing your lip. It's gonna bleed." He told me and I listened, biting my pillow instead.

Do everything to me.

Ruin me.

I wanted it so bad. Just from him.

I'd been really into my smut books the past few weeks and my libido isn't going anywhere.

But I wouldn't rush anything. Especially not with the sweetest man I've ever met.

"Is that all your thinking?" I asked.

"No. Don't be so worried Hailey." He chuckled.

"I don't know. My first ever real boyfriend is reading my sex books and were not exactly experts so I'm a little nervous." I frowned.

He set the book down.

He stood, offering me a hand and I took it, standing with weak knees.

He kissed me, both hands on my face as his lips were pushed against mine.

I dropped the pillow, my hands clutching the fabric of his hoodie.

I was breathless as he pressed me against the wall of my room.

"Hailey." His mouth was beside my ear, one of his hands cupping my face as the other massaged my hip.

"Hm?" I whispered.

"It's not rocket science, sweet girl." The hand on my face moved slowly, touching the ache between my thighs.

I moaned, hardening my grip on his jacket.

"I don't have to be an expert. I do this and you're a mess for me." He rubbed my clit, my head spinning.

"I'll learn. I'll do everything right for you. Don't worry. I love reading those books, I love seeing what you really want from me. How desperate you actually are for me." He stood in his full height, his hand still on me, but it stopped moving as he grabbed my chin with his other hand.

"Don't torture me." I moved my hips slightly and he laughed.

"But that's what you want." He took his hand from me and I whined.

It feels worse than described in books.

He kissed my forehead, lingering there for a bit.

"Travis, please." I whined, my hand fisting his jacket.

I looked at his smile, his expression dark, almost teasing me.

"It won't take much, please. I'm so wet." I grabbed his hand, putting it where I needed it.

"I didn't finish the book." He whispered, pushing pressure over my pussy before letting go of me completely and going back to sit on the ground and read.

I heaved, his absence suffocating me. His smell not right under my nose anymore, I wanted to bash my head into a brick wall.

"You coming?" He smiled at me.

"No." I answered honestly. I sunk right where I stood, unable to look at him without soothing the ache I had.

I would deal with it though. Because he liked seeing me squirm.

I know he did.

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