Chapter 73

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     "Who's ready to PARTY!?" Poppy yelled out to the crowd from where she stood atop the big mushroom stage, everyone in the area immediately cheering loudly in anticipated excitement at the sound of her enthusiastic words. "Good... because thanks to Branch... we now have music for you all!"

"YAY!" the audience screamed out at the top of their lungs, jumping all around the dance floor in exhilaration, everyone waiting expectantly for the fun to start up once again with the announcement their princess was about to give...

Well... not exactly everyone...

Out in the crowd of wildly raging trolls, Branch stood off to the side, the young boy paying more attention to the snack table than the 'spectacularly amazing' declaration his girlfriend was currently shouting out to the world and everyone in it, all the fun loving trolls at the party now respectfully giving the former village grump the space that he needed as he casually sipped on some punch...

"And now..." Poppy exclaimed with a large smile, her voice echoing through the microphone she currently held in both hands. "Put your hands together for the troll about to perform for your enjoyment... the one... the only... BRAAAANCH!"

     At the sound of the young princess' totally preposterous proclamation, Branch couldn't help but immediately spit out his drink in complete and utter shock, the liquid accidentally splattering all over a nearby troll...

     "Me!?" the survivalist choked out between desperate coughs for air, his wide eyes locked on the pink troll up on stage in total disbelief. "Yes you!" Poppy yelled over to him with a large smile and small giggle. "Now get your butt up here and play!"
"But... but... but..."

     But... before he could even properly argue... the snack pack suddenly snuck up from behind, beginning to push the helpless troll up onto the stage against his will, excited smiles locked on their faces as if they were doing him a favor!

Shoving the clearly frightened introllvert up onto the large mushroom stage, Branch accidentally stumbled into Poppy who chuckled softly at his clumsiness before handing over the mic to her boyfriend...

     "You'll do great..." the young princess whispered reassuringly to him with a comforting smile. "But... but, Poppy..." Branch started in pure worry. "I... I don't sing... remember?"
"You sang to me..."
"But that was different! It was the first time I've sung in years, Poppy! And it was just for you... not the entire frosting village!"

     Hugging him gently, Poppy ignored the clear fear in her best friend's voice as she softly whispered something in his left ear...

     "You're ok, Branch... I know you can do this..." she assured, sure that the simple words would just magically make him forget his major anxiety producing stage fright. "I believe in you..."

     And with that, Poppy walked away, giving the village grump two thumbs up as she left him completely alone up on stage... in front... of... everyone!

     With a silent gulp of pure and utter terror, Branch slowly turned his gaze to the audience, all eyes now locked directly on him...

     "Uh..." he muttered softly, the young boy hesitantly raising the microphone up to his mouth with trembling hands, a loud squeal of feedback erupting from the thing as he quickly moved it away from himself, everyone in the audience wincing in pain at the horrible sound. "Um... s... sorry..."

"Branch!" he suddenly heard in a yelled whisper, the survivalist immediately looking over to see Poppy standing out in the crowd with a calming smile on her face, the young princess signaling him to just breath...

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