ch 25

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As Stefan walked into the drive way, he noticed Kayla and Zach's car.

Stefan walked closer to the front door, passing Zach's car and noticing it still running. Standing still for a second, the 'teen' listened into the house attempting to hear any movement, any sound

Finding nothing the vampire speed into the house before freezing when he smelt it. Blood. Veins started to form underneath his eyes as he glanced around the house

"Kayla!? Zach!?"

With no response Stefan prepared to speed to the basement when a voice called out
"Don't bother"

"Damon?" Stefan's eyes widened slightly as he paused in his steps "How- Where are Kayla and Zach? What did you do?!"

Damon sighed as he leaned against the couch on the floor sipping his 11th glass of bourbon

"I made a mistake brother"

"Where are they?"

"Hospital probably. I don't think I killed Zach..and if I did, I didn't mean to...maybe I- no, maybe YOU shouldn't have tried to dry me out. Maybe I could've helped Zach if I had my ring and saved Kayla all of this- this confusion"

Stefan stared at his brother who seemed torn between anger, sadness and guilt before speaking "I don't have time to play the blame game with you Damon. I need to call Kayla and get to the hospital"

"Yeah, Kayla probably doesn't want to talk to you. She probably thinks your like me, which you are and she'd be right but we're the last people she'd want to see" Damon shrugged

Frowning the younger Salvatore shook his head "Someone has to go Damon. Someone has to explain all of this to her...Someone has to make sure she's okay, that Zach's okay...."

After pushing Stefan continued "What did she see?"

"Me. Locked up. Me. Attacking Zach"
With a sigh Stefan walked towards the door "I have to go to the hospital and make sure they're okay"

As Stefan walked up the steps, a gust of wind passes him and Damon stands in front of him
"Give me my ring back. I need to come too"
"For what? She's probably terrified of you right now"
"Like she isn't of you? She knows what we are. She's seen-"
"You. She's seen you. She thinks I'm like you..but i'm not Damon. It's not a good idea..."

The two brothers stared at one another in silence for a moment before Stefan spoke again

"I understand why you want to come. I know how important Kim was to you. How important she is to you. I get that you want that relationship with Kayla too but right now, if she's scared...seeing both of us isn't going to help. Let me go, I'll let you know how she Zach is and then we can go from there"

Damon stared at Stefan for a moment longer before letting out a breathy sigh and stepping aside. The brown haired Salvatore nodded and walked out the house grabbing Kayla's keys from the table to drive to the hospital

Damon stood by the door once again watching his brother leave as the sun slowly started to set with foggy eyes

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