Levi Ackerman As Boyfriend

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Note: To get to know him a little better, we'll have to start with Fanon VS. Canon Levi and a short character analysis.

For up: I am NOT hating on other authors writing nor the way they believe Levi is!
Everyone is of course allowed to write him how they want. It's fiction and I respect other writers opinions and headcanons, even if I disagree and perceive them to be out of his true character.

Fanon Levi: (How some fans write him)

- Cold hearted
- Hates everyone / doesn't care about anything
- Tch, brat, Tch, brat, Tch, brat
- womanizer / very sexually experienced
- sex god
- likes choking and is super kinky
- has needs that must be pleased regularly
- cheater bastard
- enjoys hurting people
- secretly loves Petra
- wants Eren
- dirty talk king
- bad boy image

Canon Levi & analysis: (who he really is)

What he and his mother went through was horrible. Kuchel was a prostitute who could have gotten rid of him, but didn't. I think this is one of the most saddest facts about Levi's life.

I've only seen very few people look at it realistically, because it is traumatizing to grow up knowing that your mother did this for a living. That's why it's even more confusing to know that fans think of him as a sex god. A person that has so much trauma since day one, especially in a world were physical touch was a threat to him, doesn't care about sex. He has a goal in life and very high emotional maturity.

A psychologist could explain this much better, but people who focus on something important (surviving, goal, working hard for a career...) or have high emotional maturity mostly don't have sex on their mind that much. And saying "A men has needs" is ridiculous. Especially in Levi's case, who's life was surviving only and who has more important things to do. This is my explanation as to why he is not one of those men that are crazy over getting their (s/o) into bed as soon as possible.

I'm not saying that he's like....scared to be sexual with his partner or anything, but all Levi has ever known was pain. Hurting people, and being physically hurt himself. He might not be terrified of, for example, holding his partner's hand, (only flustered) but terrified of him accidentally doing anything that could hurt them.

So how could he be rough, physically abusive or using someone he loves on purpose, when that's already what he has to do in his job and when that's what those men did to his mother? Not only that, but Levi is a good guy. As much as it doesn't seem like it on the first view people have on him, he has a heart of gold. And even more, he has respect.

It's stated that he doesn't like violence and always has to be rough. That's the only way people survive in Attack on Titan. Kenny in the story and even Isayama in interviews call out Levi couldn't focus on anything more than surviving in the Underground, it was all he could do to live to the next day.

We have seen more sweet characters like Historia, Hanji and even Armin getting rough and brutal. It wasn't anything compared to Levi, but still....

He may be a cold hearted looking man, but by just taking a closer look, it's obvious that he isn't unemotional. The opposite. Levi is the most emotional character in aot, cares so, so much, is very sensitive deep inside and emphasizes with basically everyone. He is a soft hearted man. (I mean the guy wants a tea shop. What else do you need to know?) And after everything he has been through, wouldn't it only be natural for him to want softness and care, instead of roughness like he had all his life?

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