Just a Number (Levi x Marleyan Reader)

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Note: This oneshot play's in the same time as the previous "Happiness" oneshot. It is not necessary to read the first one to understand the concept of this chapter. They both don't fully match each other.

The night is clear as you wheel Levi along your father's potato fields.

It's been several weeks since you both more or less confessed your feelings towards the other and started dating. You got to know each other better - while you hung around in either his or your shop - by sharing stories about your lives and experiences. Levi was a bit hesitant to offer affection or small touches like kisses at first as this was his first romantic relationship and he didn't know what to do. But after you told him that you would take things slowly, he obviously felt more comfortable with the idea of ​​being involved in romance.

When you heard him talk about his life as a soldier on your dates, you would have never guessed that someone who was considered one of the strongest and bravest people in humanity would be so shy and nervous when confronted with a woman he likes. While Levi was embaressed about it, you thought it was adorable how he would always blush when you pressed a kiss against his lips or the side of his head.

He wasn't a fan of public display of affection at first, as just the slightest touch made him uncomfortable – not because he didn't wanted it, but because he was still not used to showing any kind of emotion in front of others without having to fear that it might kill him. And you being touchy with him always made his stoic mask crack.

But now that you've gotten to the point where Levi is bolder and no longer afraid of the thought of doing something wrong, you enjoy your togetherness whenever you want, wherever you can – not really caring about who might see the love you have for each other.

"Are you cold?" your boyfriend asks as he sees the goosebumps on your bare arms, already taking off his coat.

You pull the soft fabric over your shoulders and smile at him. "Thank you."

Levi nods. "I always tell you to bring your own coat, brat."

Giggling, you nudge your elbow against his, "You know I have a bad memory."

"Tch, you shouldn't have a bad memory at that age yet." he grumbles playfully annoyed and carefully sits down next to you on the narrow stone path. The field workers had already finished their work today and were fortunately able to go home earlier, which allowed them to escape the summer heat.

"Hey, that's what it's like when you get older. First it's the coat you forget, then the names of your relatives and friends as well as pets, and finally yourself." you laugh.

You were expecting another dry comment from Levi, but he just stares into the distance with a furrowed brow.


He turns his head to you, but continues to look ahead. "I just realized that I don't know how old you are," he says thoughtfully. "We've known each other for a while, but...I never asked you."

"Oh, you're right. I would have thought I'd mentioned that at some point." You giggle and adjust your dress. "I'm twenty-four."

"Twenty-four..." Levi whispers. A feeling he doesn't like spreads through his stomach. Guilt. He knew you were young, but this young? His peaceful mood is instantly destroyed.

"Is everything alright?" you ask a little uncertain. What did he have all of a sudden? "Is there something wrong with my age, or..." you joke and press out a forced laugh, trying to ease the tension.

Levi meets your eyes and shakes his head. "Yeah, everything's fine, it's just...I am...older than you."

You hear the hesitation in his voice and frown. "I know that." you say a little perplexed. That there's a little age difference between you two is obvious, but most couples don't have the exact same age, which is normal, so where is his problem? "Levi, I don't understand what's going on."

He sighs shakily. "What I meant was that I'm....much older."

"How old are you?" you ask.

Levi takes a few seconds before he answers. Although you have, he had never said the three words before, but God did he love you. He loved you so damn much, just thinking about loosing you scared the shit out of him, because even though you have only been together since barley six months, he knows that he needs you in his life. For such a long time he thought that after Erwin died and humanity was saved, his only purpose in life was gone. He didn't know what to live for anymore. He was born as a weapon, used as a weapon and believed that he was, and would always be, just a weapon. But than he opened his tea shop – then he met you.

Levi was devoted to you with his whole heart. And now, he feared that his next words might destroy the luck he though he had by having you as his first and only love. "Thirty-eight," he murmurs. "I'm sorry."

You look at him in shock. Fourteen years is a lot, but that's not the reason for your surprise. "Levi what are you sorry for?"

Why does he look so guilty?

Sinking his head in shame, he whispers, "You are wasting your time and youth on me. I've been so h-happy these past few months. More than ever before. And because of my own selfish feelings, I didn't realize what this could mean for y-your future."

While you listened to him, tears had formed in your eyes, but you suppressed them. "What are you talking about?"

He doesn't answer.

"Levi, you could never waste my time. How can you believe such a thing?" you take his hand in yours and look at him the way you've done since your first date – madly in love. No judgement, no disgust. Just pure love for the man sitting next to you, who has a heartbreaking sadness in his eyes that you desperately want to wipe away. "Sweetheart, I don't care how old you are. The only thing I want is your heart."

He meets your eyes. "Why?" he chokes.

"Because it's yours." you squeeze his hand a little tighter. "I want you for who you are. And if that is someone fourteen years older than me, who is tied to a wheelchair with two missing fingers and scars all over his body, then I'll take that."

Levi can't help but smile shyly at your words, his heart fluttering. "Are you sure?"

"What's with these silly questions? Of course I'm sure. I've never been more sure." you start laughing and slide closer to him, pressing your forehead against his. "I," you press a kiss on his soft lips. "love," another one. "you."

Forgetting his previous fears, Levi leans his blushing cheek against yours and nuzzles your head. "I...love you too." he whispers. You smile and wrap your arms around his neck.

You two spend the rest of the night in each others arms, watching the sunset and sharing kisses. Some fast and sweet. Some slow and passionate.

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