Sweet for You (Levi x Reader)

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When you first met Levi a short time after he joined the scouts, you had already found out that he was not the.....most social person. His way of interacting was offensive, his body language and facial expressions showed no interest every time someone approached him. The way he looked at the people around him was despicable and distant. His scarred hands are rough and bony, smeared with blood every time he came back from a mission. In general, the former underground thug was not very gentle with whatever he was doing. Or at least, thats what you thought.

It were the little things he was doing that you noticed after getting to know him a little better. The way he stroked his horses fur or praised him for behaving. How his eyes wandered around curiously, head titled to the side and a small wrinkle between his brows whenever he saw something new. Him holding the hand of a dying soldier. Those rough, but somehow still elegant fingers and how they take the scouts patches of fallen comrades. It was kind of cute to watch him being soft in his own, mysterious way.

After a while, when he trusted you enough to let you sit on the rooftop with him, you noticed how his eyes lit up as they looked into the dark starry sky. The reflection of the bright glow was mirrored in his pupils as the wind blew gently through his fluffy hair. He was pretty you thought.

From that day on, you knew that Levi was a good man. And you were right.

Within years of working together, you have seen countless of times how he had saved his comrades lives, put his own in danger, and demonstrated his pure heart and selflessness by simply existing.

It was hard not to fall in love with him. And you had the feeling that he liked you as well. You wouldnt jump right into him being in love, but he definitely had a soft spot for you. Whenever you sat in the mess hall and summoned him, he would sit next to you without a second thought, something he wouldn't have done if he didn't like your presence. He accepted you.

Sometimes, when he was feeding his horse in the morning, you would silently sneak into the box and help him. His face was neutral, but you could see in his eyes that it didn't bother him. He didnt mind you.

After particularly hard expeditions, when you had settled into your room, it had become routine for you to bring card games and tea to relax together and shake away the stress. He even showed you how to make his favorite tea one time. He trusted you.

When you started admitting to yourself that you were completely in love with him, it was harder to just be a friendly shoulder that brushed against his. Every time he looked at you, a sweet rush ran through your body, creating a firm swelling of your heart that took your breath away, mixed with the feeling of security you only had with him. To be honest, you can't even remember what it was like not to die of a heart attack every time you saw his naked torso while stitching his scars.

You are ripped out of your thoughts by Hanji.

"Hey, best friend!" She shouts and sits down next to you while wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "Oh no, Levi has sneaked back into your daydreams, hasn't he? Seriously, someone should tell him to stop doing that. Oi, Levi! Why-"

You press your hand to her mouth, frightened. "Sssh, be quiet! He's right there."

Levi comes to a stop next to the table and sits down on the opposite bench. Placing the bowl of soup down, he makes a tsk sound. "What did shitty glasses do this time?" he asks, staring at you both uninterestedly, but you can tell from his tone that he really wanted to know what could have upset you. After all, it looked to him as if you had seen a ghost when you stared at her wide eyed.

Hanji laughs and winks at him. "Oh, you know, (Y/n) just thought of the man she's in love with when-"

Again, you put your hand against her mouth and laugh nervously. Hundreds of excuses flow into your head, but you know that the moment you open your mouth, the words would only roll off your tongue with a stutter.

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