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I decisively rejected my buns dad as he tried to flirt to steal my and baby's stuff.

He isn't even attractive. I was right by the way, I am super beautiful, my bun tells me every day. So who needs this ugly carry-on, certainly not me and Danny.

Like that the days passed without issue. I lived with Danny in our lovely home as if the apocalypse affecting the rest of the world wasn't real.

After we met Danny's co-creator we slowly began to encounter more of the actual living as we went about our days.

One time when I was strolling through the city I and baby used to live in, on my own as Danny was at home sleeping, I decided to check the toy store for a new present for Danny as he hadn't gotten a new toy in a few weeks.

Without much trouble, I perused the isle and my gaze fell on a darling little doll set. It contained two girl dolls and two boy dolls. It also had various accessories and outfits that you could use as you played. I decided this would be perfect as a new toy and I could also teach Danny a little about the birds and the bees or the birds and the birds or the bees and the bees and so far and so forth. I had promised myself and the original when I first got here that I would give Danny the best education I could and this happens to be a subject of importance that is often neglected even in formal education.

However, because it was the apocalypse and there was no one to man the shop floor or to pay I simply took the doll set, it's not like the zombies were using it! And since I was already in the mall I decided to grab some more hygiene products like soap, shampoo, conditioner, and bleach. I made sure to check the expiration date as cleaning products have them too and checked carefully to ensure they were still all sealed before I made my way to leave and start heading home. That's when I was interrupted by a human. Yes, a human, how rare these days?

You see, my entire trip had gone undisturbed as after a while even the literally brain-dead zombies realized that there was no point in trying to hurt me as they always lost miserably. The few that tried to then attack my bun quickly realized their mistakes however they had no second chance because I used the aid of a weapon for the first time and by the time I was done with them they were worse off than pasting on the ground. That is one of the many reasons why I feel no fear about leaving Danny at home whilst I shop. It also helps that I managed to find and fix a car so that it's fully functional, and eco-friendly, so the zombies wouldn't be able to even get to our home before I got back even if they could figure out where it is which they can't. And since I'm such a mother hen I also set up some highly effective security around the property that will work against zombies and humans.

I digress, but that explains my surprise at the interruption to my day. It was a group made up of what appeared to be 3 teenagers.

"Lady? What are you doing here? Are you shopping!?!" the only girl among the three suddenly asked after they hid around a corner to try and escape from some undead pursuers.
"Well actually yes, in fact, I am, is that an issue miss?" I asked politely as I casually strode over.

I was dressed in a cute yellow sundress that reached my knees accompanied by a yellow ribbon in my hair acting as a hair band and a pair of yellow. slip-on shoes on my feet. The teens however were decked out in old military gear with pistols strapped to one leg and army knives strapped to the other. The girl had long, black hair tied into a high ponytail to keep it off her face. The taller boy had a tan and a scar across his cheek along with a still bleeding wound on his stomach which he was clutching and was also likely to be the reason they had been chased. The other boy was the most confused about me from the look in his eyes but he also worried about the other boy. Something in me just screamed that he must like him. At the thought, a small chuckle passed my lips.

"It's not an issue lady it's just I was confused, how could you be shopping here so leisurely?" the shorter boy piped up from behind the girl.
"Easily, I needed some more cleaning products as the ones at home were running a bit low so I came to pick some more up, also my son has been very good recently so I decided to get him a new toy," I explained as I lightly reached into the shopping bag to grab the doll before continuing, " look how cute this doll set is! I'm sure he'll love it," I finished showing it to them freely.

As I did they slowly came closer with the injured boy waking with a slight limp from the pain which I noticed.

"Sweethearts, what are your names?" I asked as I tucked the doll away and sat comfortably on a bench nearby, motioning for them to do the same.
"Fin," gasped the tall boy, taking the initiative to answer first, then the other two followed suit.
"I'm Claire," the girl said as she helped Fin sit beside me as there was limited space on the bench.
"uh, I'm Nathan..." the last boy finally answered however his gaze kept filtering over to fin beside me.
That's when fin spoke up and alerted the previously oblivious two to the abnormalities of the situation other than the obvious, "Why aren't the zombies willing to come over here?" he asked with a raspy voice that was clearly forced out of his lips regardless of the pain.
"Oh, well that would probably be because of me. But more importantly, your hurt hun," I answered, I couldn't help but care about the three, probably because of the maternal instincts I'd grown used to.


Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Apocalypse? So what I got a 5 year old to raise!Where stories live. Discover now