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After I finally finished teaching the older boy how to complete the actions I'd previously considered basic, I left the younger boys to take a bath and brought a few picture books over to the boy. I don't know if he can read and how well considering his age and also the ongoing apocalypse that kinda makes receiving a regular education more difficult for most, Danny's an exception because I'm an exception. Most parents have to focus on survival, so they have no time for homeschooling, but I don't really have that issue. Therefore, I've spent a fair amount of time on Danny's education.

Ando looked enchanted as he flipped carefully through the books, slowly studying each page as if he wanted to absorb every last detail before moving to the next.

I was surprised that he seemed to enjoy the simple book so much but decided not to say anything, I'd given him the books in the first place, so I was just glad he was enjoying them. He spent an hour and a half reading through all the books I'd brought him, and during that time, Danny and Aiko had finished their bath. When I heard them getting out of the tub and the water draining I went up to give them a hand with drying themselves (I mainly intended to blow dry their hair for them) but when I reached the door I could hear Danny talking with Aiko and the hair dryer going. I knew Danny could use the hair dryer because sometimes he liked to dry my hair, so I'd let him 'help' me (when it was already mostly dry). I was slightly worried that Danny would hurt himself, but I decided not to stop him as long as it was safe and just peeked through the door so I'd know if something had happened. However, I was caught off guard when I realised Danny was drying Aiko's hair for him. I could see he was extraordinarily careful as he slowly dried the hair. What made the scene even more interesting was how I noticed Danny had turned completely red. At first, I thought it was from the bath, but I realised it was actually because he was either embarrassed or flustered. As I watched the two boys sit there, I couldn't help thinking back to the funny interaction I saw before I took the boys to wash up where Aiko had said he liked Danny after the 'lesson' on equal love.

Did my baby have a crush!

The thought made me feel sweet and humoured, but I decided not to do anything and just observe what will be will be, after all.

After Aiko's hair was safely dried, Danny tried to dry his own and almost got his hair caught in the fan, so I quickly knocked on the door and called in. Danny wasted no time letting me in, I dried his hair for him without commenting on Aiko's already dry hair. With the two boys now clean and dry, I brought them both pajamas, which they'd previously forgotten. The set I'd given Aiko was an old set of Danny's since they were the only ones in the house that seemed like they'd fit him. The two boys slept in Danny's room soon after, Danny even gave up his bed and slept on the sofa for Aiko, and I couldn't help feeling proud and amused.

A few hours later, I sent Ando to bed on the bed settee I'd made up, after lending him a mens pajama set I sometimes wore, that was clean since Danny's would have been much too small.

After that night the two brothers spent about a week at my home before I found their parents by chance when I was in the city grabbing some more children's clothes for the brothers since they didn't have much. I, of course, brought them to my house and called them out. When they saw their parents, both boys were overjoyed, but when Aiko was about to leave, I noticed both Danny and Aiko seemed hesitant.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked as I hugged Danny.
"I'm fine, I just wish Aiko could stay here for longer..." Danny replied quietly, not meeting my eyes.

I could guess why based on what I'd noticed over the last few days, Danny definitely liked Aiko and it also seems like Aiko liked Danny. I decided to discuss with the brothers' parents about arranging play dates for the boys.

"Excuse me, could we have a quick chat before you go?" I asked politely with my usual gentle smile.
"Yes? What about?" The two's dad replied walking over happily.
"It's just that your Aiko and my Danny became quite close over the last few days, so what do you think about arranging for the boys to play together occasionally?" I proposed swiftly.
"That sounds great, but where? It's the middle of an apocalypse after all," he answered with a bit of confusion in his tone.
"Well there's a park outside the city," I suggested genuinely trying to think of safe places for the boys to play that Aiko's family could get to.
"Isn't that park too close to the city?" Aiko's dad asked with concern after thinking it over for a moment and realising where I meant.
"Then what about them playing here?" I offered, whilst gesturing to my house and yard.
"Wouldn't that be a bother? And what if they ended up drawing zombies over when they're playing loudly?" Dad asked whilst contemplating.
"Oh it's no problem and those foo- zombies don't approach this place ever," I assured him.

Luckily I caught myself before I called the zombies fools. Not that I think it would be a immediate issue but more it might raise questions for the other party that I'd rather avoid for now to insure it doesn't disrupt the plans to hold play dates for the two children here. I'd feel awful if I was the reason they were cancelled after all.

Apocalypse? So what I got a 5 year old to raise!Where stories live. Discover now