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I left my bags in Clair's hand as I half-jogged over to a standard first aid kit that was commonly kept in malls like these.

Then I explained briefly about the kit as I returned to Fin's side, "When the outbreak first began the malls were all rampant with zombies due to the high popularity of them, so most still have fully intact first aid kits in the department stores and offices."

When I had returned to beside fin's side I yanked his shirt up, exposing his wound completely.

"Hey!" yelled Clair, she almost dropped my shopping.
"Don't drop my shopping," I said with a deadly serious voice, looking directly toward Clair.

Then I continued to hold up the teen's top. I grabbed some disinfectant from the box and a few cue tips which I used alongside it to clean the wound.

Then I asked, "How did you get hurt?"
"I can assure you it wasn't from a zombie!" Nathan said, speaking up for the first time in a while.
"Honey, I was asking in case he would need a tetanus shot, the kind you get after being bit by a dog or stepping on a rusty nail," I explained with a gentle smile aimed at Nathan. His face just flushed lightly but when I continued my statement it grew much brighter and Fin also started to blush, "I wouldn't want your boyfriend to get sick." I finished my earlier clarification, still wearing a gentle smile.
"Who said Fin's my boyfriend!?" Nathan cried in surprise as I finished disinfecting the cut.
"No one needed to, but I apologize if I was wrong. So could you tell me how you got hurt fin?" I said facing Nathan at the beginning then turning to ask Fin about the gash.
"He was cut by a violent plant as we ran," Claire said, finally answering my query.

Since I had an answer I began to wrap fin's wound with some bandages. It didn't take long for me to have finally finished.

"Is anyone else hurt?" I asked the other two whilst I passed a painkiller to Fin.
"Nope, only that idiot got hurt. But I have a question about something you said earlier," Clair started as she glanced at me cautiously.
"What is it lovely?" I asked, taking back my shopping bag as I pulled out my phone which surprised the teens crazily.
"How do you still have a working phone!?!" Fin asked with shock evident in his voice.
"Well I just look after it and make sure to plug it in every night," I said as I clicked to answer my son's call.
"Yes, baby? I'll be home soon don't worry. Mum's just helping some older kids I met whilst shopping. Ok, I promise I won't be much longer, also mom's got a present for you once I'm home," I said quickly finishing the call as I gave the kids a bashful smile for my rudeness.
"Sorry, my son just called, I really need to get going but I don't mind answering that question quickly for you Clair,"
"I just wanted to ask you what you meant when you said you were probably the reason why the zombies won't come over here?" she asked with plain astonishment on her face.
"Oh, the zombies have learned not to mess with me if they don't want to die so they won't come near me, even if they do they won't attack me. Oh, and of course, they won't attack my son either. They learned from others who made that mistake," I answered as I got up to leave.
"Bye kids, good luck from now on! You probably won't see me again but feel free to take that first aid kit with you although most of the food in the mall is out of date there is still plenty of good clothing in the shops, just don't take it all please as I use them for my son and myself," I said, bidding the trio goodbye.

The kids just stared at me, stunned as I got up and made my way to the exit. I motioned for them to get moving hinting at the zombies outside before waving goodbye to them.

It didn't take long to get home after we parted ways and I happily spent some time with my bun playing, cooking him some pasta with creamy white sauce, and teaching him the basics of attraction.

Our days passed just as they always had after I met with those kids, I just never expected how much it would help Danny in a few years that I had helped those three kids. But for now, I knew nothing and that's fine.

It was summer and the weather was great so after we had finished food I asked Danny if he would like to go to the park for a bit to play, which he agreed to excitedly. Danny loves going out and he finds the zombies that now hide from us hilarious.

So we went to the park where Danny played for hours. Towards the time the sun was hanging low I glanced at the time and saw it was getting late.

"Danny, we have to go soon," I informed him with a carefree smile.

That's when I noticed the kids from earlier, they had also seen me and were approaching.

"Lady! You're at the park? Oh is that your son?" Nathan asked greeting me energetically and hopping over the low fence to enter the small park.
"Well hello Nathan, Clair, Fin. Good to see you got out of the mall ok," I said waving lightly.
"Is that your son then Lady?" Clair asked this time, slightly tilting her head towards Danny.
"Yeah, that's Danny, my son. Danny come here!" I replied before calling Danny over so he could say hi.

It took him a few moments to slide down the fireman's pole on the claiming frame before he ran over.

"Hello, I'm Danny. Are you mom's friends?" he asked in his milky voice.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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