What Now??

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3rd P.O.V

Sakura has been up and ready to go since the end of August.

Sasuke is a month old, he's been a pretty calm baby. Especially around his older brother Itachi. Sakura has been trying to prepare for the biggest event that would happen that year.

She has been trying to fill her reserves with chakra all over again. Being in that coma really did drain everything she had.

All she had been doing within the month was help her mother, with whatever she would let her, and play with her siblings. It was weird to have a semi normal life.

Not to mention she definitely gave Shisui a beating when she found out it was him that dragged Itachi into war, especially now that he is attending the academy.

"So Itachi, how was class today?" Sakura sat in the middle of the living room. Sasuke was sleeping in her arm, Itachi has his head on her lap. Slowly falling asleep as she was detangling (there was absolutely nothing to detangle) his soft hair.

To say Sakura was jealous of Itachi's hair is an understatement. His hair was incomparable, not even the most expensive cloth could compare. She felt proud to know he wanted to grow out his hair like his sister.

The cutest thing a sibling could do. Sakura felt tears prick up at the corners of her eyes.

"It was boring, just like you said sister." Sakura snickered to herself, she didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing that they could relate to that.

"They were going over the basics, you know, physical training to increase chakra. What is chakra. Things like that." Itachi felt safe with his sister. He could talk to her however he wanted, he did not have to be formal at all. She always listened to what he had to say and gave him advice if he asked for it.

"There was a bunch of fangirls" Itachi felt his sister stiffen, when opening his eyes he saw his sister sweating a bit while cringing.

"Are.. you a fangirl?" Itachi asked hesitantly, he was scared of those girls that would not leave him alone.

"Of course not! How could you ever think of your sister like that?!" Itachi eyed her suspiciously before chuckling.

"Well, it's fine even if you were one. It wont change how I see you" Itachi suddenly felt himself being pulled up into a hug.

His cheeks and ears burned red. "Sister!!" He was not embarrassed, he was just not used to being hugged.

There were only two Uchihas' known for showing emotions outside of the clan, and that was his sister: Sakura and Shisui his cousin.

He found them to be the most admirable out of all.

"Aww, you don't like my hugs?" Itachi stayed silent as he was sat in between her legs, she bear hugged them while Sasuke was handed to Itachi to carry for a while.

"I'm glad class was not too bad. If you ever feel like quitting being a ninja, remember I'm the next head to the family." Sakura whispered the last part as she rested her head on top of her brother, trying to comfort him.

She knew that this was not the thing he was most passionate about, but he'll figure it out with time.


"mmmm!" Sakura expressed her delight with Itachi as they were eating dango together by the lake near their house. Sakura was able to get Itachi out of training with her father, more like she dragged Itachi as soon as their father entered the house.

Itachi seemed to be having fun. He felt happy with his older sister, especially when she pulled him away from training. By no means was he slacking off, his sisters training was way more brutal than his fathers.

"Sakura/Itachi!" The two that were named looked at each other in silent annoyance, they have been bothered by these two for a while. It's like they formed an alliance to separate the two from each other.

Shisui came by and sat next to Sakura, Izumi (a girl that tried to help Itachi) sat next to Itachi and had a stare-off with Sakura.

Annoyance within Sakura was starting to pool in her stomach 'Why is it so difficult to spend time with my sibling? What if this happens when Sasuke gets older too? OMG HEEEELLL NO-'

"Sakura?" Shisui looked at her expectedly

"What do you want?" She grumbled back to him while putting the last stick of Mitarashi Dango in her mouth.

"Shisui, why are you here?" Itachi cut Shisui off, he most definitely did not like his time with his sister to be cut off.

They hardly had any time to actually spend together. Itachi usually trained after homework, and then fell asleep for the next day of school. Even on his day off, Itachi usually spends it training.

"Itaaaacchhhii,, why are you being so rude?" A glare was immediately directed to him by the eldest sibling.

"Ok, but for real. What do you kiddos want?" "KIDDOS?!" the two who barged in yelled

Nodding her head, Sakura stayed silent.

"I want to hang out with Itachi" The girl said.

"Yeah me too!" "So you two want to hang out with Itachi? I don't know why you're sitting with me then"

Shisui flushed red as he angrily faced the girl who had her eyes closed with her arms crossed, Itachi snickered silently while innocently looking at Shisui.

"That's not what I-!!" "Sakura!! Sakura!" Said girl immediately got up and walked up the hill.

"It seems mother is calling me, it was nice talking to you two. Now Itachi...play nice" Sakura grinned mischievously as Itachi gave a ghost of a smile himself, he would have fully returned the grin if the two were not looking at him.


"Sakura!" Her mother was outside holding her dear little brother in her hands.

"Yes mother?" Sakura stood straight, awaiting to see what her mom would assign her or what was needed of her.

"I-Its Sasuke!! I-I-I" Sakura was on alert now, her mother was on the verge of a breakdown

"Mother, calm down. Deep breaths" Mikoto listened to Sakura "Now, what's wrong with Sasuke"

Mikoto felt tears in the corner of her eyes "H-He's gone. I've tried searching for him! but I can't feel even a small chakra signature, what if- what if he's-he's"

"No, that wont happen. I'll search no matter what. Keep this quiet until I say so, it seems they're not after Sasuke" Sakura felt her anger flare as she suddenly felt a tiny chakra signature after her mom finished telling her.

"Wh-What do you mean?" Sakura looked up to her mother and grinned.

"It's alright! Just don't alert, or they may actually do something to him" Sakura knew she shouldn't have said that, but she was in such a hurry to leave the only way to leave all this questioning is to shock her mother.

"Now, who the hell had the bright idea to take my baby brother?"

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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