Unexpected Part 1

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3rd P.O.V

Nothing could be seen through the darkness that consumed everything.

The only thing that could be heard were the sharp ragged breaths coming from a certain cell.

Laughter soon consumed the underground jail as soon as those breaths calmed down "Who would have thought a brat like you were this loyal to her village!"

Anyone but the person talking could hear teeth gritting in anger and frustration as the chains shook along with the movements.

"You bastard. I swear I'll-" "What? You're going to kill me?" the man raised an eyebrow with a crazed grin.

"I've heard it all before and no one has completed it. I highly doubt you should say that in your circumstances"

The figure in chain didn't make a move to lift her head. Her eyes looked up towards the man a heavy color of green making its appearance as she glared.

"There's a reason my name is Uchiha Sakura" she scowled before screams were heard.


*The Day Before*

Sakura heard Shisui's remark but felt nothing towards it as she looked at her little brother playing with some toys.

The scenery in front of her was the most precious to her. Her mother cooking, her father making some comments as he listened to his mother taking as he drank tea, and then Itachi playing in the living room.

'It's all so perfe-'

A knock came from the door. Sakura got up kunai in her right hand just in case she needed it. See opened the door to see an ANBU holding the mission scroll.

Nodding her head the ANBU left. All eyes were on her as her fathers specifically looked at the scroll.

Although disrespectful she through it at him and he caught it saying nothing knowing the few reasons why she would act like this.

She walked up the stairs turned to the right the first door to the left was her room, the one next to it was Itachi's, she entered the room.

Before she closed the door she heard the cries of her mother.

She started to pack the normal things to not look suspicious. A small medical kit, a few kunai and shuriken to equal 6, a shirt and some shorts (she highly doubt they would give it to her anyways).

She began reading her book to calm down for a few hours.

At the time that she was done her mother called her over for dinner, everything was deadly silent as they were eating Itachi looked very uncomfortable.

"Thank you for the food mother" Sakura got up, as soon as she was going to leave a hand grabbed her shirt small sobs became louder by the second. 

Sakura bent down to Itachi's height, rubbing his back saying it was going to be ok when he said he didn't want her to leave.

A voice of guilt and anger interrupted, "When were you going to tell us?"

Sakura froze as she heard the foreign feeling to her fathers voice. He's always been strict just like with Itachi that even she started to develop stress lines, but this was different.

"I was not planning to" Sakura drowned out everyone as she looked at the clock '00:00, has it really been that long?'

Holding the tired Itachi that started falling asleep, she went up the stairs to his room and put him in his bed.

A tear streamed down her right eye as she heard Itachi's plead.

Grabbing her bag she started to walk towards the door. "I'm leaving."

It stayed silent, strings tugged hard at her heart as she heard her mothers quiet sobs and her fathers guilt radiating off of him for not stopping this.

She smiled for them "Don't worry I'll be fine!" With that she slammed the door and ran rooftop to rooftop, not before hearing her mother breakdown.

Once she got to the gate she saw the Hokage standing in front of it with a sad smile, more like a grimace.

"I'm sorry we had to send you in" Their eyes met.

"Well, I better be back before summer Minato"

He chuckle "You will be. Thank you for this, I'll pray that you come out of this alive"

A cold laughter filled the air that sent shivers to even the ANBU that were guarding Minato. "I don't need it. I will survive."

A strong wind blew, ANBU on guard as the figure disappeared in front of the Hokage's eyes.

"I hope you keep that promise"

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