Give Them Back!

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3rd P.O.V

Sakura opened her eyes to an immense heat within her body. She cursed out loud "Such a great time to be injured and have a fever!"

Putting on bandages to stop the bleeding she stood and slightly stumbled as she walked to the nearest tree.

Her black hair was covered by her opponents and her own blood. Twigs decorated it as well. Her shirt was torn and her shorts covered with blood.

After walking a mile off the territory of Konoha, too much to do before finishing the mission, she felt familiar chakra's in the distance about two hours away.

Something was telling her to go to those chakra's. An anxiety started to build within her as she stumbled to go to that area

The longer Sakura took the more anxiety and adrenaline built within her system which made her run like never before. Jumping on a tree she activated her sharingan. Tomes were spinning fast.

Grabbing a kunai she stopped right before a trap. Kneeling on a tree branch she saw the glint of the wire.

Cutting it she saw the explosions in front of her activate. She narrowed her eyes, putting her arms up to take cover from the gravel, she felt chakras nearing her location.

Sakura sighed and put up a genjutsu she saw the people come closer to her, but they didn't see her.

Hysterical laughs came from the group as they saw Sakura's body on the ground burned with blood splattered everywhere.

"Well it seems the Uchiha clan isn't the greatest clan at all!!! If we can take her out then we don't have to worry about those brats we have!! She wasn't worth it at all, what a waste. She was praised so much and it turns out she was useless!"

Sakura gritted her teeth and felt the heat in her body rise as she heard those comments.

'Who could those brats be?'

Sakura thought until she heard someone behind her.

'No way!'  Sakura blocked the fist that came at her which threw her back.

Sakura rolled back, coming to a stop when her back hit a tree.

"What?!" The group was out of the genjutsu, seeing Sakura, their eyes widened in fear.

"Hmph! So this is why Sakura Uchiha is praised so highly? Tch, nothing but a cheap trick" The group looked at the physically built ninja before her.

"Leader! We swear she was dead!"

"Shut up! You idiots are trash just like this girl! Now, what to do with you?"

A grin took over the mans face as he looked at Sakura over.

A face of disgust began to show up on Sakuras face. The man went over to her, grabbing her by the jaw he forced her to look at him.

"Well, you aren't bad looking at all. I know exactly what I'll do with you" Sakura forcefully turned her face to the other side to not face him.

"You'll have try first you bastard!" Sakura kicked him with both her feet on his stomach.

The man with orange like hair grunted as he took a few steps back.

"You Bit-!" a fist hit his jaw, flying a few feet he hit the back of a tree, he 'passed out'.

"Well aren't you talented?" A huge fist was headed her way.

Sakura turned to her right and caught his right hand with her left.

Pressure was becoming greater and her arm began to give out slightly, chakra swirled around the two and both started to apply more pressure.

Wind blew strongly as Sakura and the unknown ninja from Ame glared at each other

"You know this is only going to go one way Sakura Uchiha!"

"Yeah! But I won't go without a fight"

She kicked his legs from underneath, with two fingers she touched his forehead and he fell asleep, forever.

Sakura's knees gave out, panting she looked at the group in front of her. A piercing noise passed through her ears as the fever began to take a tole on her.

"Well Sakura Uchiha, you will pay. See these two? What happens to them will be on your head."

Sakuras eyes widened at the two children in front of her

"Give them-" a great pain stuck her throughout her whole body "back" the whisper was followed by a laugh by the new leader.

He walked to her, putting her in chakra chains, throwing her over his shoulder he heard the two hostages struggle.

"Don't worry! She won't live for long" a last grin was seen on his face before the two passed out as well. 

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