Reunion part 1

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Riri: Welcome to part 1 of the bad girls club reunion!

*The audience claps*

Riri: This season was filled with plenty of fights and drama, and it all ended with these bad girls! Let's welcome Titi, Shawna, Val, Bella, Bri, Sam, and Farrah!

*All of the girls walked out after each other, they all gave Riri a hug then sat down*

Riri: You girls look amazing, but I do notice that some of you girls came in fighting clothes. Titi, why are you dressed in fighting clothes?

Titi: I'm here to check the bitches who wanna be keyboard thugs on twitter.

Riri: And who are you talking about?

Titi: Those two *points at Val & Bri*

Riri: What? I thought you girls were friends now, y'all ended on a good note!

Titi: Yeah, we did, until bitches started talking shit on twitter about me, Shawna, and Nya saying they whooped our asses and we some followers and shit like that.

*Bri & Val exchanged a look and laughed*

Titi: Yeah, laugh you weak ass hoes.

Riri: Let's just not start fighting girls, I wanna get to the questions first. So, this season ended on a good note, someone wasn't feeling it at all. Bella, can you tell me why you were so upset that all of the girls were getting along?

Bella: It's not that I was upset they were getting along, I was upset because Val & Bri would talk mad shit about Titi & Shawna, but now all of sudden they wanna be cool and be friends, like that shit is fake as hell to me.

Val: I think she's just mad because Titi & Shawna didn't wanna be her friend.

*Bri laughed*

Bella: Bitch shut the fuck up, I couldn't care less.

Riri: Well, Bella's last night ended with some hands being thrown, let's watch the clip.

{Screen shows clip}

Titi intv- Bella is very bothered that us girls wanna try and be cool, like not everything has to be drama all the time, stop being so fucking annoying.

Bella: Girl suck dick, I said what I said, you bitches are fake as hell.

Shawna: No bitch, you're the fake and phony one.

Bella: You haven't said anything all this time now you wanna open your mouth and speak? shut up hoe.

Shawna: Make me.

Bella: I will!

*Bella hopped up out of her seat and punched Shawna in the mouth*

*Titi quickly snatched Bella up and popped her in the face, Shawna started punching Bella in the face*

Sam: Oh shit!

*Val and Bri just sat there watching the fight, Titi & Shawna were dragging Bella by her hair and punching her in the face and head*

*Security pulled Bella out of the limo*

Bella: You bitches sat there and let me get jumped! Fuck you Bri, you too Val!

*Bella gets put into a van and it drives off*

{Clip ends}

*The audience claps*

Riri: Wooo! That right there was crazy!

Bella: See how Bri and Val just sat there and let me get jumped? What kind of friend does that?

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