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I sit outside my family's house with a frown on my face. I had to call out of work for this. If I would've said no, my dad would have sent two of his men to come and pick me up just in case I 'forgot' about the dinner. Once I had stayed at home instead of indulging in their pot roast dinner- just to be dragged out of my house a half hour after the time he had told me to be there. I've never said no since. Thankfully, he only does this once every couple of months.

Taking the key out the ignition, I begrudgingly step out of the comfort of my small car. I walk up to the front door, reaching my hand up to knock. The door swings open and Olivia stands there with a huge smile on her face.

"Star!" She screams, hugging my body tightly. Placing a small kiss on her forehead, I smile back.

"I've missed you." I mumble. My eyes squint up as I really observe her before the widen dramatically. "What the fuck is this?" I trace my finger over the marks in her neck.

She has three finger marks on the right side, a day or two old. Her dark hair is pulled to the side in a shitty attempt to hide the semi-fresh bruises.

"It's nothing. Tied a scarf to tight and it got caught in the door." She knows damn well I won't believe that excuse.

"The scarf had fingers? You're full of shit, who did-"

"Scarlett! So glad you showed up. Was about to send Ricky after you," my dad comes around the corner chuckling.

I give Olivia one last glance before turning my attention to my father. "Hi." Is all I manage to say.

He pulls me into his chest, squeezing obnoxiously hard. I wince at the pressure, my side still tender.

"My baby!" My mom joins the family reunion, pulling me from my father. "Corey let her go, she needs some loving from her momma too."

I smile once we get in an embrace. "Hi mom." I blow a piece of her black hair out of my face. I've truly missed my mom and Olivia, but my father has them both in a hold and isn't letting go.

"Come into the kitchen! I've made Parmesan crusted chicken, potatoes, and a salad!"

Following her, I'm not surprised to see it already partially occupied by some my dads companions. Typical.

"Scarlett! So good to see you. How you been!" Ricky smiles once he sees me.

"Well, and you?" I make small talk as I sit down in the chair.

"I'm doing alright. I heard about the incident at the hospital- the bastard is dead, ain't he?" Ricky questions.

"What incident?" My mother probes, turning to look at me.

"It was nothing, mom," I do my best not to worry her. "An angry man with a knife, but one of the Don's men was able to kill him before he killed me. He cut my back a bit, but nothing I couldn't handle," I assure her.

"I heard Matt took his ass down, I'm glad. I would've had hated to have to show up to that hell hole and cause a fuss," Ricky hums.

Ricky was always a nice man. He brought us presents on holidays, took us out to eat as kids. He did most things my father should've. He didn't have any kids of his own, so he kind of took his opportunity and ran with it.

My phone rings while my mom passes food out onto our plates, finishing our conversations from the incident at the hospital. I don't recognize the number so I press ignore, joining back on the new topic of Olivia's grades in school.

"Hello?" My dad answers his phone, his face dropping to a more serious look. His eyes snap to mine, the room going quiet. His eyes narrow into slits. "Yes sir, we're having a family dinner. All is well." He raises his brow and a small smirk plays on his lips. "No problem. Appreciate the concern." Then he hangs up.

Anxiety bubbles in my belly, my eyes never leaving his. "The Don wanted to know why you weren't at work today, Scarlett."

Axton called my father? "That's odd." My face starts to blush a bit, looking down at my plate.

"Says he got a call that the emergency room is in dismay without their charge nurse," he hums out, eating his food. "I'm assuming you're still doing well with the job I got you then."

"It's going alright," my tone is snappy. He didn't get me this job. I earned it, with tears of education and dedication. My job isn't easy, and not everyone could make it even a day in my shoes working for the hospital. Granite, I wouldn't have even known of the hospital itself if my father wasn't so invested in his career in the mafia.

My phone vibrates again, the same number sending a text this time.

Answer when I call. -Axton

I scoff to myself, playing it off as everyone keeps talking.

You must think you're my father or something. I quickly respond. Who the fuck does he think he is? I work for his hospital, not for his mafia.

"So Scarlett, how's the house treating you? The security system still working well?" Ricky asks.

"It's going well, I haven't had any problems with it so far. It's extremely sensitive, it even tells me when a squirrel runs past my front door," I chuckle softly.

Maybe not your father but I am your daddy. Like I said, answer when I call or there will be repercussions. See you soon.

My eyes widen as I reread the text three times.

"Scarlett! Put down your phone, damnit. You're being a rude little shit," Corey gruffly scolds me from across the table. I jump a bit, quickly placing my phone face down on the table.

"Sorry," I grumble.

My sister looks nervous, more so than usual. The entire atmosphere feels off, however, it usually does.

The rest of the evening goes well. My mom forces me to take a to go plate, per usual. She says I don't eat enough home cooked meals.

My dad walks me to the door, an uneasy feeling resting on my shoulders.

"I've got a man I want you to meet. I promised him a date with my daughter and Olivia is too young, so you're going to go out with him this weekend," he leaves no room for argument but I choose to make room.

"What are you talking about? I'm sorry to tell you but you should've asked before you made plans for me. I'll pass, thanks for the opportunity tho," attitude leaks from my lips like venom. I'm not some shiny toy my father can pass around when he chooses.

"It wasn't a question. Saturday night be ready at precisely six in the evening. If you are not I will come and drag you out of your house, understood? Do not try me on this Scarlett." He grips my arm hard before releasing me, nodding his head toward the door. "I love you. I'll call you Saturday."

I don't respond, anger coursing through my veins. I slam the door behind me, stomping childishly towards my car.

It doesn't matter the length of time I'm in my father's presence, he never fails to infuriate me. The only ideology he cares for is control. If he can't dictate every moment of someone's life and mind, he'll start an uproar until he does. It's sickening, really, a grown man like himself feeling the need to control all three women in his life. He'll learn eventually that I'm not a pawn in his life, I can make my own decisions and seal my own fate.

I sigh, rolling my windows down as I speed off of their street. The cool air fills my lung, dissipating some of my anger. My hands still shake with irritation, a reminder that after all I still am my father's daughter.

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