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Amir's POV

I stare at the clock, watching the seconds pass by. The invite was to the same restaurant they came to months ago. I thought it seemed fit for the occasion.

Our men are scattered all throughout the dining room, most with a woman to make it appear as if they're just regular customers on a date. Wouldn't want to scare Jeremy away with twenty of our mafia men standing behind us with loaded machine guns. My eye twitches at the thought. I would enjoy creating a blood bath with him and his men, even if it means losing a few of my own. Matt sits with us, finally bringing himself back into the world since Cameron's shooting. He is healing phenomenally, as I knew he would. He should be able to come home next week, where he will stay with us with a private nurse until we believe he can be by himself.

"We've gotten lazy," Matt sighs, tapping the table with his thumb nervously. "Too much has happened recently, all within our eyes. Hell, I spoke to the bitch ass nurse who shot my best friend and killed another. There's too much going on that keeps slipping by us. I feel as if people see us as weak since, you know," he pauses as Axton raises his brow. "Since y'all came out as the fucking wonder twins. Yes, we gained allies, but are enemies are fucking pissed. They want to retaliate, and they are."

I glance to him, the bags under his eyes that aren't usually there being a clear tell of the dilemmas that run through his head. "I made a decision and we both have stood on it. Would you want to be a shadow of yourself until you die?" I snarl. I understand his concerns, but I couldn't stand staying hidden for even a day more. It was fine until I had a reason to want to become myself rather than a version of Axton. Scarlett shouldn't have to deal with our bull shit just because our father made a decision when we were young to portray us as one.

Matt sighs. "I want them all dead," he finally speaks and I smile. Me too.

Jeremy walks in, confident per usual. Hw isn't alone and I didn't expect him to be. Three men walk in with him, all of their eyes on the table we sit in. My blood start to boil with rage just from being in the same room as this slimy bastard. I place my hand on my pistol, allowing its presence to bring me some serenity.

"Axton, Amir- can't say I'm surprised," his shit eating grin pans at the three of us, taking a seat. "You've got balls, if I do say so myself. What's this all about?"

"You tell us," Matt fires, his anger getting the best of us.

"Don't think I know what you're talking about, pup," he shrugs.

"What's the deal with you and the rapist? You tag teaming his victims or are you just protecting him so he can rape more underage girls?" I ponder, leaning forward.

A nerve is struck in Jeremy as his face reddens, but he's quick to put the smile back onto his face. "You allowed a man to fake his own death, live in your territory, and rape multiple women. If you're trying to find someone to blame for your mistakes, you won't find that here." Weak. He thinks we're weak due to Tao's actions.

"You have a plan to try and infiltrate and destroy the Taikyn mafia, a plan that Tao is in on. Please don't take one man's recklessness as a sign of weakness on our end, Jeremy. Your father did that and '08 and received three bullets in his lung, remember?" Axton smile seems so sweet, yet the venom laced on his words tells of a different story.

He's had this plan for awhile now, you can tell by the smoothness in his tone and in his actions. Somewhere he had tried to fit our sweet Scarlett into his plans, seeing as he was so adamant on being around her. I'm sure her father played a roll in that as well, too bad he's six feet under.

"I want a third of your mafia, including the hospital," Jeremy decides. "And your woman," he winks.

I laugh, a laugh loud enough to bring chills to anyone close by. "You're fucking delusional, you know that?"

"Adamant, maybe. Delusional, never. You can give it to me peacefully, or you can burn with it. I really don't give a fuck. In the end I'll have what I need, regardless if you're still around to see it." Confidence. He knows something we don't.

"I don't even see why you decided to meet with his dumbass. He's sick in the head, just like his pet Tao." Matt groans, throwing the liquor in his cup down his throat.

"You know, I'm very fond of Scarlett. She's independent, very intelligent when it comes to book smarts. She doesn't need anyone, including the two of you, but she allows herself to want you. An admirable trait. She works her ass off and it shows," I prepare myself to cut Jeremy off, but he puts his hand up to symbolize that he'll stop talking about our woman. "I want her happy, why? I have no fucking clue. So I'll give y'all a hand, how about that? A piece of information that is vague but it'll put you on the path to get some answers."

I look at him with my eyes narrowed, not believing a word he has to say.

"Tao has an in, not just in your mafia but mine as well. He knows just as much about us as he does you. I've found my rat, can you do the same? It's an obvious one, be that as it may. You'll never see it, despite it being waived in your face so recklessly. And no, it's not Matt," Jeremy snickers as Axton toward to Matt. "Look closer at the people around you, and the people around them. Even the Devil was an angel once, boys."

"I'll see y'all real soon, I just hope you figure it out before then." He stands to his feet, pushing in his chair before walking away.

"What in the fuck?" Matt asks himself, groaning in frustration.

Axton and I glance at one another, both of our minds running a mile a minute. I can't tell if we're thinking about the same people, but I know I have an idea.

The night at the ball when Scarlett's friend boyfriend walked in and spoke to Johnson in our face was the first red flag I witnessed, but for me it makes sense. He has an in with both mafias, his girl even works in ours. My mind is set on it, I just have to see if Axton is thinking the same way that I am.

"What was the fucking point in that? All he did was give us a riddle we're already trying to solve," Matt asks, clearly confused.

I take out my phone, pulling up an app. I show him and Axton my phone, the location of the Johnson's cars on the screen. I knew Johnson wouldn't tell me shit helpful, seeing as I'm the same way. It was just a distraction. I had some of my men a street over, they put tracking devices on the vehicles. They'd notice our cars in their rear view, so that was out of the equation. Seeing where they're going is a start to finding Tao, because despite what he says I'm convinced he's assisting Tao. For what reason? I have no idea.

"You're tracking them." Matt deadpans, his mouth open in shock.

"There's also a bomb in the cars too," Axton whispers, winking.

Matt's eyes widen before he grins, shaking his head. "You both are slick sons of bitches."

We all drive back to my house, waiting and watching the GPS. Scarlett is at work, despite our pleads of her taking some time off. She's stubborn, and I love but also hate that about her. The world of mafia rivalry's isn't one to be played with. She doesn't see it as a joke, but she's adamant on continuing on like nothing is happening. Naive. Yes, we've increased security but that didn't stop Tao from getting to her last time.

"They've stopped," Axton holds my phone up, showing there location. "A dirt road somewhere off of 81."

"Send a crew," I nod my head to him, watching him dial a number before instructing a team to the location. "Detonate it." My words cause Axton to grin peacefully, taking a small remote from his pocket. There's no hesitation as he presses it, throwing it away after it's done.

The chances of Johnson being in the car is slim, but the message will be very clear.

It's them or us.

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