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Axton's POV

I stand with my arms crossed, staring at Sam who's smirking back at me. He sits tied to a chair, his lip busted and his eye swollen shut.

We let the bombs off just a moment before our men pulled into the hideout. Body parts were laid out all around, so we did end up killing a few people. I figured they would've gotten out of the car with how long we waited. Oh well, no tears shred. They got what they deserved. Our hopes were to find Tao inside the building, but to our surprise it was the 'nurse' Sam. He's a smug piece of shit, his pride will be the reason he dies. However, in the same building we found some of Tao's belongings so at least we knew where he was staying. We have men posted there incase he shows back up.

We haven't started to interrogate Sam yet, however Matt still got a few clean punches in. Cameron was able to leave the hospital, and he sits angrily in the back of our warehouse. He can barely hold his own weight. His hopes were to come in and kill Sam himself, however we decided he Judy needs to watch. We don't want to take any chances of him hurting himself any further.

I spark up a blunt, hitting it a few times before passing it to Amir. Sam just keeps laughing to himself. He's got some serious mental issues that he needs to get situated.

"Tell me about yourself, Samuel." I smile politely, but the veins protruding from my forehead sing a different song.

"There nothing to tell, I'm just a basic man that used your woman's nativity as a piece to a bigger puzzle. I told her a sob story about how she saved my brothers life and it convinced me to do the same work as she does. The truth is," he sighs dramatically. "He was my cousin, not my brother. And I'm the one who shot him. The dumb bitch saved his ass, costed me a little under fifty grand in hit money."

"And in return you decided to kill her?" I ask calmly, referring to the shootout that occurred at our cabin.

"No, she was never the goal, just the tool I used to reach my goal. You all were the goal, by the way. Seems I only succeeded with one of five, which is a fucking shame. We let out one hundred and thirty bullets, how in the fuck you all survived is a miracle." Sam shakes his head in disappointment, trying to move his arms despite them being tied securely around his back.

I lose my patience, not for any reason. I'm just ready to see him dead. "Where's Tao?"

"Wouldn't fucking know," he shrugs. I grab a hammer and his hand, placing it flat on the table. I nod my head toward Amir to hold it in place for me, the blunt hanging from my lip. Sam's smile falters for just a moment before he quickly puts his facade back in place. I don't hesitate, much to his dismay. I swing the hammer down on his ring finger, earning me a beautiful scream of pain. I grin, puffing the smoke through my nose.

"Don't you just love the sound of bones cracking, Samuel?" I hum, appreciating my handy work. His finger is damn near flat in one place, already swollen with a crimson red.

"Fuck you, Taikyn," he snarls.

"Don't know who is who, do you?" Amir grins, taking the blunt from me and passing it to Matt. "You a rapist too?" He asks, nodding at me to hit the next finger. Tears well in Sam's eyes but he quickly blinks them away.

"I'm fucked up in the head, but I'm not a piece of shit. I didn't want to be stuck in that fucking building with him, but I had no fucking choice. It was either bunk up with a rapist or get killed by you bum ass bitches!"

Matt snorts, taking a large inhale of the smoke. "Looks like you had both," he grins, walking slowly towards Sam. "You smoke?" He asks, holding the blunt out. Sam tightens his lips, looking away from the three of us. Matt grabs his neck, putting the blunt out on his lower lip. "Should've answered when I asked," Matt grins, throwing the clip onto the floor once he's done.

"I can't tell you anymore than I already have," Sam says calmly.

"Guess you're no use to us anymore," I step back, reaching for my pistol.

Oddly enough, Sam just accepts his fate. He doesn't cry, he doesn't plead for forgiveness. He just smiles, a smile filled with nothing but pain. It's not the physical pain, it's mental. He wants to die. The look in his eye tells me that he hates himself more than we hate him, which is saying a lot. He didn't fight back when our men captured him, and he's not fighting back now.

I go to speak, but the loud sound of a bullet blasting and wizzing past my ear causes me to go silent, pulling out my own gun. I turn quickly, looking to see where the threat is coming from. Cameron stands with his hand on his stomach, clutching himself with his gun pointed at Sam. I look back, seeing blood pouring from Sam's chest. I don't flinch as Cameron lets off three more shots, screaming loudly in the process.

I've never seen him behave this way before, despite everything we've all been through together. Sorrow and torment paints his face in a tight frown, all signs of his usual playful self nowhere to be seen. He coughs, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. I'm shocked to see a single tear rolling down the side of his cheek.

"Piece of shit," Cameron coughs out, reaching for Matt to help him back to his seat.

The last bullet had went through Sam's skull, sending brains across the floor. Amir looks just as shocked as I do. I don't have time to process it, my phone buzzing in my pocket.

"Who's this?" I cut the conversation short, seeing as the number is unknown.

"Axton, or is it Amir? Regardless, I could give a fuck less. This is Don Ritts." His voice is full of anger which brings a smug smile to my lips.

"Don Ritts, finally done sending men to do your work for you?" I ask, putting it on speaker for Amir to listen as well.

"Jeremy was going to take over for me, retirement was just a a couple months away," Ritts hums. Was.

"And has that changed?"

"Your bomb killed him, my friend. Jeremy is dead, congratulations. You hit your target. Guess he wasn't as intelligent as I had presumed." I process his words, realizing Johnson is officially out of the equation. Try to fuck our woman now, dead bitch. "I'm not a nice man, never have been, never will be. His father was my closest friend, and I kill for mine. This it a warning. I am going to end you, your brother, and your mafia. It's not a threat, it is a promise. I want your head on a platter, it will be the best meal I ever have. Prepare yourself, boy. You asked for this."

I have no time to retaliate or converse, the line ends in a hurry.

"He can't touch us," Matt scoffs. I wouldn't be so sure. A war between mafias is never pretty. It doesn't end in victory, it ends in blood and tears. We have enough manpower to put up an equal fight, but they've been planning this. Waiting for the right moment to attack.

And in this moment we have a man who resurrected from the dead running around rapping our teenagers, men infiltrating are mafia, and a woman we need to protect. Now would be the best time for them to attack, they know it too. The only thing we can do now is prepare.

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