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Amir's POV

The drive back to the cabin was fucking horrendous. Matt and Cameron argued damn near the entire way here, despite numerous threats from Axton. Scar, of course, kept egging Matt on. Every time Cameron said something to or about Matt, Scarlett would respond with- "Matt, you're going to let him talk to you like that?" She was clearly enjoying their pointless banter.

Matt fell asleep two minutes away from our home, refusing to wake up. Axton eventually picked him up, carrying him into the living room, and dropping him roughly onto the couch. He still didn't wake up.

"I'm heading home," Cameron announces as he drags a small trash can into the living room, placing it beside the couch so it's within reach for Matt.

"Bye!" Scar yells. I'm glad to see her becoming more comfortable around the four of us, and I'm also pleased to see that she's letting some of her stress fall from her shoulders.

She walks into the kitchen, her long black dress still dragging across the floor as she makes herself a water. She truly is phenomenal, the most addictive drug I've come across. There hasn't been a single moment since we have met that she hasn't been stunning. Scrubs, sweatshirt and leggings, or a ball gown- it's all the same as long as she's the one wearing it.

I stalk towards her like my prey, her back turned to me. I have a mixed relationship at her nativity. It's a blessing that working in our hospital hasn't obliterated her mind on reality, but it also worries me for her safety. She's spectacular at reading people, but she doesn't do well with being able to analyze a situation.

Once I'm a close enough to her, I wrap one of my arms around her abdomen, pulling her body against mine. I use my other hand to pull her long hair to one side of her neck. I slowly tilt her head in the same direction, tugging her hair gently. The glass of water preoccupies her hands, but her body softens under my touch. Gingerly, I place my lips on the crook of her neck, savoring the taste of her. My lips barely touch her skin, teasing the thin flesh as I kiss all the way up to her ear.

"Go take your shower, don't worry about putting on any clothes. I want to see every inch of my pretty slut," I whisper in her ear. My hand from her hair moves to wrap around her throat, applying gentle pleasure. "We've had to watch you all evening. Beautiful and elegant," I move my other arm up the slit of her dress, grazing my index finger across her lacy underwear. "I need you," her breath quickens as I apply minimal pressure on her clothed clit. "I need your pretty pink pussy wrapped around my cock with the taste of your cum on my tongue."

Reluctantly, I let go of her, pleased to see her face flushed and her pupils dilated. She shyly gives me a quick kiss before hurrying towards the bathroom. A small smirk plays on my lips as I adjust my raging cock. I turn to face Axton, despite knowing he was there the entire time.

"I want him dead," his voice is barely above a whisper as he unbuttons his shirt. "I want to keep his thumb as a souvenir." I don't need to ask him why he wants the man's thumb, I already know it's because he used his thumb to call our woman and to send her texts.

"Do you trust Tim?" I counter.

Axton scoffs, throwing his shirt on the dining room table. "Not even in the slightest."

I nod my head. I don't either. His aura screams snake. We omitted the fact that his contract ends in death if he betrays any of the agreements that are listed, seeing as we don't believe that matters too much to Scarlett. He just seems too at ease, too nonchalant. The fact that he showed up to the gathering is concerning in itself, seeing as he isn't anyone who is of power in the Ritts mafia. He is merely an errand boy. The only men who come to the gathering are worth something.

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