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I'm at Millie's house. Her dad actually let me come over. I think i'm starting to grow on him. That makes sense. I tend to grow on people. Millie loves gory scary movies. I prefer things like the Conjuring but I decided I would watch something she likes today. She promised if i was scared we could watch "10 things I hate about you."

Millie said she wanted to watch Chucky. Unfortunately for me that movie is terrifying. I spend half of the movie burying my head in Millie's chest while she laughs at the victims. I hug her for dear life,even though I know it's just a movie.

"Are you okay?" Millie asks me, clearly concerned.

"Yup I'm fine all good this movie is the best.'' I try not to sound sarcastic or scared.

"Aww you're terrified aren't you?"

"I'M NOT TERRIFIED." I say firmly. "I just don't like seeing people get hurt."

"But they aren't even real."

"I know but my instincts don't."

"Okay that's fair well we're about half way through you're doing good."

I sigh into her. She plays with my hair. I don't think she even realizes she's doing it. Millie has a habit of doing fidgety things without noticing. Not that I'm complaining. When she holds my hand she draws circles, when she hugs me she rubs my back, when I'm laying on her chest, like I am right now, she plays with my hair. It's like her hands never stop moving. I find it comforting. I like watching the shapes of her hand movements in my mind. It relaxes me. Those shapes remind me of home. They make me feel safe. I know I'm weird to feel that way. Lucky for me Millie loves my weird. I tell her about the shapes. She understands my weird obsession with triangles. She knows that when I randomly say triangle I'm comfortable or just a little bored.

I tilt my head to the side so I can see the TV. There's not much happening. Then after a few minutes someone gets stabbed. I bury my face back into Millie's chest so I don't have to see.

I hear Millie try not to laugh, of course she fails and it comes out as a strangled giggle.

"Millieeee it isn't funny '' I complain. Instead of responding she just laughs more.

I hug her tighter and decide to just sleep on her. I have a feeling she'll like that. I close my eyes and listen to her heartbeat, which is something I normally hate but with Millie it's comforting to listen to. It's like a reminder that she's real and alive, not just a figment of my imagination. 

A/N sorry this one's a little shorter I just wanted to do a quick cute one. 

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