The Airport

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I'm in the car driving to the airport. It's not too late for once. It's only about 12:00 am. I even had time to eat a good breakfast and lunch. Lily flies in at 1:05. I hope I can get there on time. I've been in the car for 10 minutes and it's only an hour drive. I should get there on time. I really want to see her coming out of the terminal thing.

50 minutes later I'm pulling into the parking lot. I practically run into the airport even though I have plenty of time. I know my way around this airport,I end up here a lot. It's 12:52. I have 13 minutes to get where I need to go. It only takes me five minutes to get to the gate Lily should come out of.

Staring at the door feels like staring into a portal that's just going to magically produce my girl. It's a weird feeling to be standing here. I know that this is a memory I won't forget for a very long time. I decide to sit down. As soon as my feet hit the ground I start bouncing my leg. Just the start of my annoying habits. Something Lily is soon going to know all about. That's what I'm afraid of. That she'll see all the annoying and weird things i do and slowly start to wonder why she ever loved me. BUT I'm trying to stay positive. Lily is going to be here for the next three and a half weeks. That's what I need to focus on.

8 minutes later people start flooding through the portal/door. I instantly stand up and start searching the crowd for my girl. It takes about 3 minutes for me to see her walking through the doors but when I finally do I swear I almost fall over. She looks so tired but somehow she still looks so, so beautiful. Suddenly it hits me that I'm going to see all her different moods over the next few weeks.

Seeing her standing there looking around. Looking around for me. Is a lot to process. As soon as lily sees me she just stares at me. Neither one of us moves. We just stand there looking at each other as if we're the only people in the room. Just for a few seconds nobody else matters. All the sound around us is now ambient noise.

After what seems like forever of staring at each other we start to move. We make a beeline for the empty gate seats on the other side of the walkway. I don't know which one of us moved first. I have no fucking idea why we chose to move to that spot. All I know is we're making our way to the same place. I'm going to be able to touch the girl I've been in love with for years for the very first time.

We get to each other at the same time. Instead of saying anything we just fall into each other. It's pretty much impossible to say who hugged who first. For all I know our bodies took matters into their own hands. The only thing on my mind is how nice it feels to have lily's arms around me and my head buried in her neck. I can feel her forehead pressing against my shoulder and I love it. Hugging this girl is my new favorite thing, I don't think there will ever be a time where I don't love hugging her.

Little shorter than usual but whatever 

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