In The Woods

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*This was a request

Millie loves surprises, and I love her surprised face. Today is going to be the best surprise of her life, hopefully. She should be here in about 5 minutes, assuming she's only 10 minutes late, hard to say with her.

Every sense I've met Millie, she's been late. The first time I ever saw her she was running down the hallway of our high school with her backpack unzipped. I was just trying to go to the bathroom. She ran right past me, but I stopped and stared as she flew down the hall. She was stunning, even with her hair flying everywhere and her mismatched socks.

Right now, I'm running around my house trying to get last minute things I forgot about ready. I'm freaking out just a little bit but that's okay, I'm always freaking out about something.

I grab Millie's spare toothbrush that she keeps in my bathroom, and all of our brushes even though we really only need one. At this point I'm packing like we're leaving for two years.

There's a knock at my door. Fuck shes early. Well not she's not she's 7 minutes late but I should've had more time, the ring is still in my nightstand drawer.

I run over to the door to let Millie in. I don't know why she still insists on knocking, she practically lives here.

"Hey baby, you know you can just come right in, right?" I say. Even I can hear the smile in my voice.

"Hi babe and yes I do. You tell me literally every time I come over." Millie replies with a giant smile.

"Yet you insist on being stubborn about it. You better not knock when we live together."

"We basically already live together."

"Exactly. When it's official-official you better just come right in."

"We'll see."

I sigh and lean forward for a kiss but Millie pulls back.

"Hey" I whine.

"Nope you have to tell me where we're going first."

"Babe it's a surprise'' I plead. I just want my kiss.

Millie huffs and kisses me. I kiss her back before gently tugging her into the house.

I hand Millie my last box of shit.

"Can you carry this to the car please? I just need to grab one more thing, then we can go."


As soon as Millie is out the door I run into my/our room and grab the ring. I shove it into my little bag that's sitting on the bed and run out to the car.

Millie is already sitting in the passenger seat with her music blasting. I smile at how cute she looks sitting in my car. It never gets old. Millie looks over at me and rolls her eyes, but she's smiling. She thinks it's funny how soft I am. Me a 25 year old masculine girl that lifts weights for fun, is also the girl that smiles at my girlfriend while standing on the front porch.

I laugh and jog over to the front seat. I slide in, put the car into drive, and back out of the driveway. I'm too excited to just sit in the driveway. This is the scariest thing I've ever had to do, and I'm excited.

It takes about 15 minutes to get to the campsite. There's a river that runs by just a few yards away from where we will put the tent, the trees are tall and green, and the birds seem to always be singing. It's the kind of calm noise Millie and I both love. We camp here a lot. What Millie doesn't know is this is the exact campsite that we had our first kiss.

We were 17, we still hadn't told each other we had feelings, and we were laying in bed snuggled closer than friends ever would. We were talking about how being on the spectrum was hard when we were kids. We had stopped talking and were looking at each other, our faces were so close that our noses were basically touching and she just kissed me. It was soft and unsure, I kissed back instantly and it went from unsure to frantic really fast. We didn't have sex, that would've been too much and we both knew that but fuck did we want too.

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