Part 11

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Jin woke up when he heard an incoming call on his phone. He was still in the car, on the side of the road. He looked at his phone and there were tons of calls from Hoseok and Jungkook. The incoming call was from Jungkook.


"Where are you? Why aren't you picking up my phone?"

"How is the result?"


"Is he pregnant?"

"Where are you?"

"Is he pregnant?" Jin started to cry.

"Yes" Jin immediately hung up the phone and started crying again. His heart was so broken. He didn't know what to do now.

The phone rang again but this time it wasn't Jungkook, but Hoseok.

"Jin, where are you?"

"What is it?"

"Jieun.. her fever is very high, come here quickly"

"W-what? I'll be there now" Jin rushed home to meet his daughter. His world was completely destroyed.

When he got home he immediately ran to Jieun's room.

"Hoseok, what's wrong with Jieun?" Jin sat beside his daughter.

"I don't know, when I came to wake her up she was already like this, her fever was really high"

"I'll take her to the hospital" Jin lifted Jieun's body, carried her to the car, the three of them went to the hospital.


"I've given her a fever reducer, your daughter can go home after the infusion is finished" The doctor said and left. They are in the ER. Jin just held his son's hand tightly while lowering his head and crying.

"Where is Jungkook? Have you contacted him?"

"I'll call him later, Hoseok you can go home now, I want to be alone with Jieun here"

"Jin, are you okay?"


"Jin, you know I'm always here, tell me how you feel, I'll listen to you"

"Thank you Hoseok, but not now"

"Okay, I'll go first, call me if you need anything" Jin just nodded.

Jin's phone keeps ringing, Jungkook keeps calling him. But he turned off his phone. He just cried beside his daughter's body.

"What should I do? What should I do now?" Jin muttered.


"Jungkook, what's wrong? Why do you look worried?" Jimin said.

"I don't know, I have a bad feeling. Jin didn't pick up my phone."

"I'm okay, you can go home, sorry I bothered you"

"You are my husband Jimin and you are pregnant"

"But you are worried about them, meet them first, you can come back here whenever you want"

"Are you sure it's okay if I leave you?"

"Yes, I'll call you if I need anything"

"Okay, I'll go first" Jimin just nodded and Jungkook took a taxi to his house.

But when he got home, he didn't find anyone, including Hoseok. He called Jin but his phone was off. So he called Hoseok.


"Hoseok, where are Jin and Jieun?"

"Hasn't he contacted you yet? They're in the ER"

"What? ER? What happened?"

"Jieun had a high fever so that she was unconscious this morning, so I asked Jin to come back and we took him to the hospital"

"You asked Jin to come back? Didn't he come back last night?"

"No, he just came back this morning"

"Thank you Hoseok" Jungkook hung up his phone and rushed to the hospital by taxi.

When he arrived at the hospital he ran to the ER and found Jin beside Jieun's bed. He still to hold his daughter's hand. Jungkook approached them.

"Jin.." Jin gasped, he was surprised to hear Jungkook's voice there. He lifted his head and saw Jungkook before him. Hid eyes were swollen from crying all night. His face was also very pale from not getting enough sleep.

"Why are you here?" Jin said in a weak voice.

"What do you mean? He's my daughter! Why didn't you tell me if she was here? And where were you last night? That's the reason why you didn't answer my phone? You didn't come home, you weren't with Jieun, where were you last night?"

It was the first time Jungkook snapped at Jin, pain came over and over again. But he only smiled then. He held back his tears and looked at Jungkook who was standing in front of him.

"Answer me Jeon Seokjin!"

"Congratulations, finally your husband is pregnant, I'm sure he will look very beautiful when his belly grows" Jin continued to give his best smile. Making Jungkook speechless.


"Enough Jungkook, i'm okay, but just give me some time to myself, if you want to take care of Jieun, you can stay here, here are your car keys, I'm leaving" When Jungkook held Jin. Jin just pulled his hand from Jungkook's grip and left them both.

Jungkook chased Jin out of the hospital and prevented him from leaving.

"What's wrong with you! Why are you like this? What should I do Seokjin? You asked me to be fair with him but now you're like this to me, you said it's my responsibility, I'll take care of him because he's pregnant, but--"

"Enough.. why did you yell at me? Did I do something wrong? 6 years I was with you, You never raise your voice at me Jungkook. I should be glad you started caring about Jimin, I should be glad he's pregnant, because you always wanted it from me but I always rejected it. I didn't come home last night because I didn't want Jieun to see me like this, I stopped on the side of the road to rest and woke up when I heard your call, I'm sorry because I didn't take good care of Jieun, she got sick because I didn't take care of her, are you satisfied with my answer?"

Jungkook didn't say anything, he just pulled Jin's body and hugged him tightly. Jin's tears broke when Jungkook hugged him.

"I'm sorry.. i'm sorry Jin. I'm worried, a lot of things are filling my head and I don't know what to do, all of this happened and I'm not ready to accept it, I'm sorry if I snapped at you, I'm not mean like that" Jin let go of Jungkook's hug.

"Go back to Jieun, take her home after the infusion is finished. Give me some time to myself, I want to calm my mind" Jin smothered Jungkook's cheeks and looked at him.

"I love you Jeon Jungkook" Jin smiled and kissed Jungkook on the cheek then left.

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