𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻; 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓭'𝓼 𝓒𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓶

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It did not come as news to Naerys when Rhaenyra Targaryen showed up to the Red Keep with her sons and husband. Naerys had expected this upon hearing the news that Vaemond Velaryon would be challenging Lucerys' claim to Driftmark following the worsening condition of her gransdire Corlys Velaryon, Lord of the Tides. 

She was also very sure that if pressed Alicent and her father would support Vaemond's claim which worried Naerys when it came at the costs of her brothers, Vaemond's claim against Lucerys was also a direct claim to Rhaenyra's right to the throne, as well as Jacaerys. 

Currently, Naerys was accompanied by Lord Cregan Stark as they broke fast with her mother and siblings, as well as her new stepfather. The air was tense, and mostly silence as they ate. Up until Daemon spoke, "Naraxes is quite large now, isn't he?" Naerys furrowed her eyebrows, staring at the man before responding, "Yes, I suppose he is." 

"Lord Stark, thank you so much for breaking your fast with us, I hope it didn't inconvenience you too much." Rhaenyra cleared her throat, welcoming the guest. Jacaerys sat silently, prodding his food. He had grown so much since she last saw him, while he was not as tall as Aegon or Aemond, he still had height on her, his hair was also longer and his eyes still as moody. He had gotten more muscular, broader, like his father, she supposed.

"Of course not, I am more than enthralled to be in the presence of the beautiful, Princess Naerys, and dine with the equally beautiful future Queen of Westeros." Cregan replied, Naerys smiled at him before turning her head and letting the smile fall off her face, only to be replaced with annoyance. Daemon noticed this and laughed, coughing into his napkin to cover it, "So sorry. I was thinking." He covered up before making eye contact with Naerys and throwing her a mischievous smile. She slowly grinned back at him.

Breakfast could not be over fast enough for Naerys. Cregan had departed, but she wished she had gone with him, knowing the talk that was about to occur between her mother and her. 

They sat in the living quarters, mimicking each other's positions, hands crossed, staring at each other, "You've grown into a beautiful woman," Rhaenyra said.

"Thank you." was all the younger princess replied, " I'm going to propose a betrothal between Baela and Jacaerys, and Lucerys and Rhaena, to Princess Rhaenys." Rhaenyra followed up, Naerys nodded at her mother, "They make a good match, and secure a good alliance." 

"We need Princess Rhaenys' support, if Lucerys is disinherited, then both Jacaerys and I's claims are weakened, Naerys." Naerys was not sure why her mother was telling her something she already knew.

"Perhaps you can talk to the Queen, plead for our case." Ah, there it was, the reason Naerys was summoned to her mother's chambers first thing in the morning. While when she was younger, she used to look forward to it, as an adult with a strained relationship with her mother, she feared it. 

"I fear you think I have power over the Queen, mother. I am her ward, yes, but that is it, a ward. I cannot sway a queen." Naerys spoke softly.

"She cares for you, daughter, she will surely take your opinion." Rhaenyra begged, "Yes. She does care for me, as her ward, but we are not blood, and you should know better than anyone that the person who holds power here is Otto Hightower. If help is what you seek, I urge you to go to grandsire, they do not feed him the poppy milk until the noon, he is only in his right mind in the morning." Naerys was beginning to become upset at her mother's insistence. 

Rhaenyra nodded her head slowly, staring at her daughter, "If you'll excuse me. I must go prepare for the hearing." Naerys did not give her mother a chance to reply before rushing out of her mother's chambers. 

She rushed down the hall not paying attention to where she was wondering, partly due to the tears threatening to well up in her eyes, roughly bumping into a hard figure, her eyes drifted up, locking onto Aemond's one eye who stared at her with concern. He grasped her shoulders pulling her back so he may stare at her, "I do not have time for your remarks today uncle." Naerys declared, trying to break free of him and escape to somewhere she could let her feelings out. Aemond did not let go of the princess, only pulling her inside his own chambers, 

Opposition; Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now