𝓼𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷; 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽𝔂

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Naerys felt scrutinized under the stares of the royal guard and his grace despite being perched upon the back of the world's largest second dragon. It was nearly nightfall by the time Vhagar was spotted soaring through the skies by royal scouts and when Naerys was ushered to her dragon. She was tired and she was sure her husband was too, but she was eager to reunite with her family. She threw false protests to the hand when he pulled her from her chambers. She claimed Aemond would be tired and need his rest, which was true, but she also played the part of a scared little girl, desperate to avoid her role in her family's demise. The look on her face as she begged Otto for another day made him smile arrogantly. 

Aegon stood idly behind his guards, he was fidgety and nervous under the calm composure he pretended to have. No one but Naerys could tell, not even his mother, but how could they when they had spent their entire lives disregarding him. Halaena stood behind him with her children, they smiled and pulled towards Naraxes, desperate to see him closer. Naerys allowed a soft smile to come to her face, not now, not when Naraxes was on edge just as she was, but later she would take them on flight, when all of it was over. 

Vhagar broke through the clouds, descending towards the pit where Naerys was already mounted. Aemond's gaze locked on his wife and how she was on her dragon, surrounded by members of the Kingsguard. He could not switch between Aegon and her fast enough. He urged Vhagar to land quickly, only to hop off his dragon just as fast as they landed.

"What is the meaning of this?" Aemond questioned, his hand on his sword ready to defend his wife as if she were not mounted on a beast who would burn them all alive if given the command. 

"Aemond, get on your dragon." Naerys called to him, her eyes lowering to the hand that gripped his sheathed sword angrily.

Otto stepped forward just as Aegon did, quick to interrupt any words the brothers might have, "Do as your wife says, Prince Aemond. You have been selected to carry a very special message to the false queen, as commanded by your king."  Aemond's gaze flickered to Aegon who wore a stoic expression on his face then back to his wife who was avoiding making eye contact with him.

"Have you lost your mind?" He barked throwing his hands up into the air, "I can think of no better idea than to send her daughter to force her to bend the knee, it is your job to ensure she remains loyal." Aegon commanded, the cold tone in his voice shocking Aemond. Aegon was his older brother, a bully yes, but never was his tone ever so harsh.

"What is to keep her mother from seizing her and killing me?" Aemond stepped forward attempting to reach his brother, but Otto stepped in between his path, his hand reached out and grabbed Aemond to the shoulder, "Do you dare to disobey an order from your king?" 

Aemond's eyes narrowed as his mouth curled downward, nearly snarling at the man before him. Angrily he shoved Otto's hand from his body and drew himself into a dramatic bow, "No," he muttered loudly as he turned to mount his dragon, "but you, Otto, are another story." the words harshly left his mouth as he climbed.

Naerys did not say a word as she watched Aemond climb Vhagar's ropes and strap his leathers to his legs. She merely forced Naraxes to turn and take flight. Aemond watched with confusion as she ascended into the night clouds but quickly forced Vhagar into the air as well. With one last glance at the people on the ground he focused his sights on his wife.

She flew fast, the urge to embrace her mother and brothers weighing heavily on her. She knew Aemond would be chasing her, but she didn't care. Had she been more focused on the events she just witnessed she might have noticed his damp hair, blown in many directions, opposite of his composed self or the frazzled look in his eye.

Aemond flew behind Naerys, carefully watching her and noticing how she didn't turn back once. He wondered if she knew what had occurred earlier in the night with her brother. Panic struck Aemond as he realized that he would have to see Lucerys, and not just Lucerys, but his mother and all of his family. Only in that moment did Aemond wish he would have let Vhagar swallow Arrax whole, at least that way the false queen wouldn't know what he was sure Lucerys had told.

Opposition; Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now