𝓯𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷;𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓱𝓪𝓼 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓭

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King Viserys the Peaceful had died, only three nights after his beloved granddaughter's wedding and one night after his cherished daughter and her family left to sail for Driftmark. The king died in the darkness of the night, alone, whispering words of nonsense and gasping in pain as the stranger came lay claim amongst his soul.

Prior to his death in his poppy milk addled state of mind, he muttered words to his dear wife, the queen. The words of the dying man enough to start a war. A war they started indeed.

Alicent had sat loosely on his bed grasping his hands between her own as his eyes closed and opened whilst his hands reached for things that were not there. She had seen the stranger take a life many times before but never in this fashion. Though her husband would not have been the man she chose on her own free will she mourned for the impending death of Viserys. He was a king, yet he was kind and had treated her well for so many years. 

The man had moaned in pain as Alicent lifted the goblet of milk to his lips, gently urging him to drink. She watched as his lips enclosed around the rim, draining the contents of the cup, "That's it my love." She murmured to him; eyes full of concern.

His loud moans began to cease, his frail aged hand had reached to grab her wrist. Alicent covered his own hand with both of hers, worry lines taking their place on her face, "I'm sorry." Viserys had repeated as his wife shushed him, gingerly brushing his skin with her thumb.

"You wanted to know," the dying king had said to her, "If I believed it to be true." A hard swallow sounded from her throat. A telltale sign of her uncertainty.

"Believe what to be true, my king?" the soft sultriness of her voice bringing the man comfort in his last delusions, "Don't you remember?" he questioned.

"Aegon." was all he said. Alicent's movements stiffened, her face still worried but now hardened, "Our son?" 

"His dream," Viserys panted as he forced the words to escape him, "The song of ice and fire. It is true, what he saw in the North." 

Alicent pulled away from the king, confusion written all over her face, "I don't understand, Viserys." Tears had begun to well up in her eyes, some from frustration of not knowing, and some from her husband's wellbeing. 

"The prince who was promised." Viserys hand had gripped her wrist as tightly as they would allow, "Prince Aegon?" Alicent urged the dying man. 

"To unite the realm against the cold and the dark." breathy moans had begun to replace most of Viserys words as he spoke to Alicent, "It is you. You are the one. You must do this." he begged her. 

Alicent's eyes searched her husband's face, desperate for an answer. She sniffled as her hand reached out and stroked his cheek, tears falling from her eyes as she scooted closer to the edge of the bed, slowly bringing herself to stand and exit the room.

Viserys had told his wife of the tale passed from heir to heir mistakenly thinking she was his daughter, Rhaenyra. A mistake easily made by a man in his state but alas Alicent was loyal to her husband, and she would fulfill her duty and make Aegon a king, despite the war it may start.

Aemond and Naerys had been living in marital bliss for the last few days, consummating their marriage everywhere, anywhere, and anytime. A peace the two had unknown like any other but all good things come to an end, and an end they certainly did.

The two had been bare beneath the sheets, Aemond's arm lazily wrapped across his wife's side as she faced him, admiring his face. He had not worn the eye patch around her after their marriage which Naerys certainly adored. A lazy smile perched itself on her face as she stared at Aemond's sleeping face. His silver hair lightly sprawled out against the pillows and ever slightly slipping over his shoulder and resting on his collarbone. 

Opposition; Aemond TargaryenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora